what is your real reason to NOT try season warring?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PandaGeorge, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Why haven't most people tried season wars? Well for starters:
    Too many clans concerned with winning that roster stacking only allows for 10m in static towers (turtle wars again? Thought that's why we scrapped system wars to start)
    Also I have a real life, I like to enjoy my real life. So planing my day around stacked roster wars doesn't sound fun at all.

    I'd prolly bother with it if they changed to ASW roster style. You sign up and devs build the war teams bases on even stats BFA bfe so fourth. Auto move you to your clan your warring with that day. But even then there is still the borning turtle war factor. Or the lame "shadow Hansel" factor. Reality is players are such babies that they would rather "create fails" than bother to come up with a real war strategy.
  2. War times don't work with my schedule.
  3. It's always the stacked clans that ask these questions, why don't you put up the true meaning? "Why don't more idiotic people try warring thinking it will be fun, so we can use our hideously over-stacked roster to beat all the fun out of EE and get us a lot of mith, while winning by a stupidly large margin" you say this because new smaller EE clans are stopping warring and your getting no-matches. TAKE A WILD GUESS WHY. Because there is no fun losing against insurmountable odds. Especially while using $$ and time.
  4. I get real tired of seeing these threads. Always moaning about war times, war lengths, matchup, no matchup. The list doesn't end. Have you ever considered you're the problem? That by you hideously over stacking rosters it's discourages new players from EE'ing, that jacks up match-ups, and also the mindset that you are the only customer ATA should cater for with war times, and if they aren't fair for you, but are for everybody else, it's a crime.
  5. No im not at fault here. Ive warred all builds. And adapted my build to suit a clan that wins. Also. Im at rancor 49, had i wanted to get noobs id be a little late no?

    What im asking are the reasons why you dont do ee wars. And some say reasonable reasons. Then theres you. I play the game in a way that i can best serve it. And also. Like i said in the main post. I used to be a eb fairy. And my main reason was that i had no idea how to war. But i learned. And i grew my build and to love it. in my case. Estoc wars gave life back for me in this game
  6. There needs to be more people like fart, on page 3 or 4 I forgot. Sh drops are shameful. EE is ran by a few clans who know what size to stay to match easy. New people have no chance. I got all s1 equip maxed from playin in a successful clan. I have warred several times this season and it is pathetic with the stacking. You can want more people to war but until these clans break up people will just get smashed and realize it isn't worth the time, money and effort.
  7. I really want to war, but my build would leak they said. So bye S3 for me. Fix it dev's so mid build can war again!
  8. Gong -
    Any build can not leak as long as you add enough towers 
  9. Personally, i think what made me start doing EE is more on the "teamwork" side of it all. Nowadays, you got to have that "need" to actually war and spend an hour or a buck for it, win or lose.

    For now, established war clans has too much of a headstart (builds and experience) for new clans to catch up. For me, i think a good way to introduce EE to new ones will be to develop a war system in which it may benefit new warrers to actually try the real thing.

    Sacrifices to be able to stay competitive will always be there much like athletes stay in shape. They sacrifice something right?

    All of these starts with a NEED. If you acquire that mindset, everything follows 
  10. I commanded an EE clan full of noobs and won 6 wars in a row. Then I got hooked. Taught myself everything. Then convinced people I was awesome at war. Even myself. I then warred season 1 and tracked commanded and won. Then I did season two similarly. Then I quit. It got boring winning all the time with good bfe. Then I got a new device and made a new account. Within 4 weeks I had won 4 wars in a row at AP, top 3 plunder in all, with no bfe at all. That's when I realized that it's too easy. I can win any EE war. So I quit EE. It wasn't fun if there was no challenge.
  11. I stopped warring when "EE" made me change my build to accommodate the stacked roster. I warred with main season one and it was a blast. Now it's clearly a dictated war system of LB and spy's. System wars have EE wars beat times ten, families warred together and size didn't matter(for once)
  12. IMO bring back system wars with better rewards so clans can get back together and not merc to war or get stuck in a clan with terrible cc just to get mith
  13. Because devs screwed over players in my timezone for S3. No other reason.
  14. Match UPS are stupid, devs ruined war system, killed hansels and mids from being able to war. Clans that use 13 to 14 sh should be matching each other. Game is a complete joke
  15. EE Schedule doesn't correlate with my down time. RL comes first, then game during down time.
  16. EE's are always later at night and I generally like to text and I passively play this game, so I can't justify joining an EE because I'd just be a major leak in gold.
  17. Moose,
    You speak so authoritative about ata not using kaw profits to fund smash development. As a businessman, I consider it quiet normal for one product/service to fund the next.

    I suggest to all out there that there is nothing wrong whatsoever with ata using some of the profits from kaw to fund their next project. Kaw has endured longrr than many games as its fundamentally a good product. Despite this, I doubt it will be thriving in 10 or even 5 years time. Ata is a business, not a hobby. They need to evolve and stay ahead of the game, pardon the pun.

    Some people will never be happy. I equally believe that communication is not ata's strong suit. They are inconsistent. Sometimes doing well...and sometimes letting the majority down e.g. ee, "events"...both of which promised so much but were flawed in execution. I should throw in a well intended but noticably absent kawcommunity concept.

    Ata's job is not easy, and we should continue to demand their best, as this game might surprise and endure longer than I gave it credit. I hope so. I love it...and if you are still reading this...I suspect you do to.

    Ty for your thread panda. Some good points in both directions within it.
  18. EE wars have gotten far too technical and organised in my opinion to be much fun. I'm all for trying to win but not at the expense of enjoyment.

    I stopped doing sw in 2011 for the same reason. Until then it was all about hitting the other side and gaining plunder. Around Sept 2011 it became about turtling to not lose plunder and I got quickly got bored.

    I also fail to see the logic of dropping build to sh/gh. Any game where that is a beneficial strategy has a major flaw. I remember that happening in gaw for a while and along with zaft dominance ruined the game.

    As such I osw, pvp and laugh n joke about in pm as that is what personally makes the game enjoyable to me. If EE changes to make it as much fun then I would give it a go.

    Snr 
  19. I don't like a "war" lasting two hours or so. A war lasts until it's finished, it has no time limit...
    Because of ee there joined a new species the world of KaW, the "1 vs 1 for 4 hours" or so idiot, who thinks if he or she wants to 1 vs 1 me, it ends after a time limit 
  20. As usual, snr makes a perfect point there.