what is your real reason to NOT try season warring?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PandaGeorge, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. I don't war for a few reasons...

    1. My bfa isn't worth anything
    2. I've tried EE and each clan wasn't coordinated with each other
    3. The "training" players give for their strategy isn't explained enough. I ask a lot of ?s to make sure I'm perfectly clear but they get aggravated and stop answering
    4. My stat range is really crappy for EE...SH tear me apart
    5. No towers lol...I had more up when I tried EE but they didn't help at all

    I saw where people were warring as PS and after asking repeatedly which should I war as I never got answered.

    Well there's my real reasons :)

  2. 6. My BFE sucks too 
  3. My pretty much only reason is I can no longer afford to buy crystals for constant wars
  4. I'm not doing this season cause of the stacking issue. The warring system is flawed as hell, and there is no way I'm gonna pay and Support the devs for doing nothing to fix what was an obvious problem, way before s3 started
  5. I put it to any LB/SH roster stacking noob clan to field a normal open for all roster. And I GUARANTEE that if you face up against either chaos reborn dragon or KoTFE awakening, you will lose. The only reason we don't regularly win is because of this stacking system you all have adopted.
  6. 1. Everyone asks for guild or shadow Hansel.
    2. My network lags at times that would make war difficult.
    3. Can't afford xstals.
    4. From what I've read in threads, war matchups are awful. I'll wait until they are improved.
    5. Did I mention that everyone wants frickin hansels?
    6. I'm currently collecting bonedragon eb equips. From what I've seen, they'll be defense heavy which will be helpful when I get around to EE.
    Its not that I don't want to EE, but circumstances prevent me from doing so.
  7. Circümstances is the word that was censored.
  8. I used to war. I'm done until the wars change. Before you say my build isn't war ready mind you I just sold 3mil in static spy. Even with 2.7mil static adt and 3mil static sdt I could not get into a winning war clan. And if you weren't in a winning clan you wouldn't ever win. All everyone does is lb/gh or super heavy to jump those guys. You can tell the winner of a war at the start. That's not a war, that's not fun. It's just a period of time you can expect to not win and lose gold. I warred since these wars were introduced. I've been trying to give benefit of the doubt but I've given up on it. I couldn't find a war that I actually had a chance to win. So if the wars become "fairer" so you can't tell victor right of the bat ill war again. There's no benefit to warring right. Not unless you can be in a clan that has no chance to lose
  9. Can't get into a EE clan.
  10. I think EE requires a time and dedication that most people lack. Lets think about this for a min.....

    ES has become VERY specialized. If you don't want to waste an hour and a couple of bucks, you need to get into a good EE clan, and the price of admission to get into a good EE clan is having the right build. And it cannot be a casual build either. I needs to confirm to very specific parameters.

    Wanna EE? Well, you better be prepared to tear down lots of your work and restructure your build. That could potentially take you all summer, and then, you haven't really grown, just retooled.

    Currently, EE isn't for the common player, so its nit going to achieve the maximum number of participants.

    There are ways to solve this IMHO, although I haven't dedicate a ton of thought to it. One way would be to allow people to, for the price of (x) amounts of nobility points, be able to change one structure into a other, thus allowing more people to specialize.

    Another option would be to run parallel wars along side the current EE wars thst randomly draft people who sign up into temporary premade war clans that the devs provide.

    If welcome any other suggestions. I think EE is fun, and is like to see more people get involved
  11. Thank you moose, well said
  12. My reasons:

    1. Devs pulled the biggest farm in kaw history over the last year or so farming us all with 'limited promotions'
    2. It appears they invested that cash not in kaw but in developing smash.
    3. War times suck
    4. Staring at a mobile phone for an hour or two also aint my cup o tea!
    5. I ain't buyin war xstals to fund their 2nd team workin on smash.
  13. I wanna throw my iPad out the window every time I hear someone piss and moan about smash. Smash did nothing to drain KaW resources. Nothing at all. People who think that are wrong. They can stubbornly cling to their misinformation, but, doing that won't make it true.
  14. Money that was spent developing SMASH, would logically been spent on KaW otherwise?
  15. So then developing smash was free?
    And smash pays for the 2nd team of developers? I doubt both
  16. 2 reasons:

    1. Time. I just can't bring myself to commit to sitting and playing a tappy game for an hour or two straight.

    2. Incentives. The cost-to-benefit ratio is too low. Why risk losing pots/gold/mith doing EE when I can whack an EB and get guaranteed benefits every single time?

    It's really a no brainier for me.
  17. mmmm.... I will try and use little words for people who don't run a business and stuff.

    Smash no take money from KaW.

    Smash budget come from ATA resource pool.

    KaW budget no decreased be even $1

    KaW get major slice of ATA budget cuz KaW is flagship app.

    Just throwing more money at KaW no make it better. Money no solve every problem.

    For people who no remember point number one, smash take no money from KaW
  18. No need to throw insults. I just don't think ur point that smash funded by ata and not kaw stacks up. I stand by that.
  19. I'd hire some more people to fix kaw as well, instead of funding a new game. At least make sure all existing apps are working properly, before launching new ones.. just saying... advertising for a new game while this one needs some working on, doesn't send that good a message to the community.
    Thanks.for the dummy explanation though, even though me no think dat help
  20. If KaW hired more developers surely they would be able to push out updates and changes quicker.

    Money fixes everything, for someone who owns a business it seems odd that you would know that.