what is your personal religious belief?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tyrannosaurus_Rekt, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. You can't "believe" in science, it simply is, whether or not you accept it. And if he creates a being more powerful than he, he is no longer the one and only powerful god, and is therefore false, and if he cannot, he is not capable of anything and therefore false. Paradox.
  2. Newtons law of gravity?
  3. Like I said sounds like you're mad at something. But once again that's you're belief. You take science as the ultimatum and so it is true to you.
  4. Gravity is a theory. Theory isn't a guess it a tired and tested explanation of a phenomenon what part of this don't you understand.
  5. At least someone around here is respectful
  6. Immaculate you ignoring facts and bringing up random bias to support your claims.
  7. A theory is supported by facts. Theories of the Big Bang are supported by facts but cannot be completely proven true because, frankly, no one was alive when the Universe decided to start-up again.

    Religious beliefs are just that. beliefs. They cannot be proven true because there are no facts to back them up.

    Honesty speaking I find the thought of the Christian God to be terribly odd. There is a man in the clouds. He has 10 rules. If you break any of these rules he has a special place called Hell were you go to be punished eternally, but he loves you. He's always protecting you and seeing you through your day.

    Funny, isn't it, how people believe that but still check the road before crossing?

    It's quite odd how people can believe that but when you say paint is wet people still poke it.
  8. "A true Christian believes in what he's worshipping, and not worshipping without understanding."

    I also believe in this now,
    "The words you said to others are the words you truly have."
  9. Science is not "true to me" it is simply true. Children in Indonesia May not understand science but it still effects them. It simply is you cannot disprove science by ignoring it.
  10. Yeah....
    But in the past, even how many times you regret your sin, you can no longer go to heaven. That's when Jesus came. He's the one who forgive.

    But in the present day, many different kinds of people have formed, and many of them are hard to convince since we learn to ignore...
  11. Some things are not believed but is happening. It just depends on you if you will accept it or not. But loss of respect makes us fight over it.
  12. But isn't that the big fight what makes science right and what makes religion right is that both can't exactly been proven?
  13. The Big Bang theory cannot be, that does not mean that science cannot be. Theories simply cannot be disproven, so until disproven it is taken as fact.
  14. Our world is governed by scientific laws, but we don't understand everything. Some people claim god is the reason, some say it is simply that, as humans, we will never have an infinite knowledge of our world (or maybe someday, just not soon). If you look in history, gods (especially Greek/Roman) were created by people to help them try to comprehend how the world works. I believe that the universe was created by nature and that some things are simply beyond human comprehension, but believe in whatever helps you sleep at night. Your life isn't mine.
  15. I don't regret my 'sins' and if you believe I'm going to hell, that's fine by me. As long as I'm not with you. Frankly speaking there are dozens of religions out there yet none can be proven true.

    You say people are ignorant (at least that's what I got from what you were saying. Is English your native language?). Yes, many are; Blindly following a faith or crowd without questioning its intents and meaning. Yet somehow, through all that ignorance and misbelieving in your god.

    You see, if it is I you are saying to be ignorant, I'm not. There is faith, and then there is thought. Sure, we'd all like for their to be some place to go after we all bite the dust (Elysium fields here I come...) but while you can hope for that, you can't pour yourself into that. Use your mind and think. There is no proof whatsoever of a god or goddess or a dozen of them all sitting talking on a mountain.

    Ignorance is also with Christianity as well, might I remind you that your same cause imprisoned and threatened to excommunicate Galileo? For saying that we aren't the centre of the universe. Turns out he was right. Ignorance, what you say can be used against you (and if you choose to use my words against me I say give it your all, I like a good mental spar)
  16. I don't know if what's worse...
    In the past where many people are Christian but greedy and they think that they are good and ignore others,
    Or in the present where many fight because of their beliefs and ignorance has been learned by many which makes them no longer listen. Others would but they listen without understanding and acceptance that we are the one who commit mistake...

    Just like what I've believed before...
    "The words that you said to others are the words you truly have."
    Which is true to me and 70% chance that it's true to others.

    Many would fight over that instead of accepting it or thinking if you really did it or not. The only solution is to learn how to look and understand ourselves I guess.....
  17. I actually had never considered that, the part about attempts to comprehend. Thanks for that, really got me thinking now about all the gods :lol:
  18. "The words you said to others are the words you truly have."

    We are all ignorant. Done. Yes I'm ignorant, but because I'm tired of this arguement and I am tired of fighting with others. I would rather wait for an answer than keep digging over it. It's like remembering something you can't remember. The more you tried, the more it will be hidden in your mind. I'm tired of this fighting,

    why don't we just think of ourselves? I can't fight my urgent to fight and argue with others, which is one of my biggest problems, and may be the same as others. I'm tired of this I have the same arguement twice and I don't want it to be like that again because I'm sure at some point I would be left speechless while I watch others grinding every word just to be not defeated... And those things that I said are the same as me.

    But don't you understand that we (you'll never know) are saying these things to you because we don't like you to be like us? It's the same as me I don't know to others but I admit I am sinful but if others can't accept that thing I'n done with this agruement.
  19. You are not me, I am not you, you aren't they, they aren't you, can't you understand that we can't understand each other?!

    Unless one of us will give up, which almost all of us (including me) wouldn't do it. I want to get out of this arguement now. We don't know everything around us and pls accept that.

    We don't know everything around us.
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