What is your opinion on Tuesdays election results?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. That's not how you talk to a swing voter. You try to convince not prove wrong.

    And again the race issues you want to bring up. I wouldn't be surprised if 2016 goes bad for liberals as well.
  2. This isn't 1992. The internet is crucial. You don't know who you are talking with or what they represent.

    Black people being called rednecks. White people being called racist for no reason other than objections to a policy.

    The liberal social game is weak. Work on it.
  3. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"
  5. It's a sad day.

    First off. I'm really tired of these "but both parties are corrupt, it don't matter" concept.

    I know one side is going more off archaic faith-based politics.
    -One side is pushing the Keystone pipeline as if oil is the future.
    -One side is trying to "reinvent" coal as if it will ever be better than alternative energy.
    -One side is about repealing our step closer to universal healthcare every step it takes.
    -One side is absolutely not caring for our nations veterans.
    -One side is employing racism and xenophobia as not only tools for their benefit but also claim it as some xenophobic form of "protecting our nationality".
    -One side is trying to undo all steps taken in civil rights on the basis of "well they're not equal cause we interpret Our God differently than they do".

    Now for all the Obama nay-sayers let's look at what he HAS done.

    -We've pulled out of Iraq
    -Began the Afghanistan draw down
    -Repealed "Don't ask, Don't Tell"
    -Got banks out of Federal Student loan programs
    -Extended Veteran benefits (new GI Bill)
    -Strengthened the EPA with more restrictions on mercury and toxic pollution and carbon dioxide being declared a pollutant finally
    -Strengthened the FDA with Food Safety Modernization Act and the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
    -Signed the START treaty to once again reduce number of Nuclear warheads worldwide with a transparency program so other countries can montior this
    -Reduced the "Star Wars" Reagen missle defense saving 1.4 billion annually
    -Invested in renewable energy and technology
    -Signed Serve America Act and the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act
    -Expanded minority protection beyond skin color (Hate Crimes Protection Act)
    -Expanded healthcare for children (Children's Health Insurance Authorization Act)
    -Attempted to expand stem cell research (GOP opposition stopped this)
    -Attempted to shut Guantanomo Bay (GOP opposition stopped this)
    -Shut the doors on the over-priced f-22 (saved 4 billion alone here)
    -Invested in Recovery.org and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (resulting in 3.7 million new private sector jobs for the past 23 months)
    -Gay marriage has been rapidly expanding state by state
    -Decriminalization of marijuana for medical benefits and recreation.

    I'm sorry he had to do most of this in his first 2 years in office because that's the only time he had majority in the House and Senate but the Republicans have stopped him from doing so much more he tried to do. Also the ACA is a step in the right direction no matter what you say. It's significantly better than the formerly unregulated system that we had and is still immensely dwarfed by most Western European medical programs regulated by their governments.

    "It's easier to kick over a sand castle than build one, and makes you look more powerful too."
  6. I'll leave you all with this. I'm a generation X kid. Politics and politicians were never cool. Most of us were raised to not talk politics with friends. Not if you want to keep them.

    Over politicking in America is entertaining, but they all are bums. Nobody like you guys expect other ideologues that think like you.

    So you get what we have here today. Which is how they want it. Well they get it. Hahaha
  7. Your first 3 points are legitimate. The rest of the points on your list are emotional rhetoric. Both left and right engage in emotional rhetoric, and I don't think its very helpful
  8. The G.I. Bill was signed by Obama and later cited. The Republicans are trying to undo this. I'm a veteran and like to keep track of my benefits. Not emotional, jut pragmatic.

    One side is trying to block immigration reform. Xenophobia is pretty much the basis of their argument. As Italians and Irish and tons of others were once a "bad thing" coming here so now are other immigrants. You can deny it all you want. It's there and out in the open. I just call it how I see it.

    One side is trying to undo allowing homosexual marriage. I'm sorry I actually am for the civil rights movements and believe in non-faith-based politics. Marriage became and non-religious thing as soon as we tied our government into it and separation of Church and State are fundamental to true freedom.

    Call it all emotionally based. As I said. Kick the sand castle all you want. Build one and show me something better instead of just being critical.
  9. "It's easier to kick over a sand castle than build one, and makes you look more powerful too."

    Seriously, that quote. It's cool you can critique EVERYTHING. Show me something better or how you would rework the idea to make it better. I want to pick your mind.
  10. Obama hates small business like most liberals, I own 4 small business, I hate Obama. He wants to hand out money to everyone at people like me expense. I hate Obama. Tell him to reduce his vacation dollar funds and give if you all the poor people if he wants to help the lower class so much. Or maybe the lower class should actually get a damn job and support themselves instead of sucking the governments nips
  11. Tim:

    Obama also said that if you have a business, or on your case four - "you didn't build that"
  12. The only stem cell funding that was cut was direct federal funding of aborted fetus research. Any private grant can fund any stem cell research they want. Anyhoo..it turns out non fetal stem cells can be cloned..in fact mine are cloning themselves right now. Oops there goes another telomere. Oops there goes another telomere.
  13. If you guys want to know how to do this text wall me... :)
  14. #bringbackLincoln
  15. Moose---you are Canadian Americans dont really care what you think about our country or president or political system....FYI
  16. This is why our country is the way it is.
  17. that's more ignorance in one sentence than I've ever seen in my life.
  18. U dont get on forums much do u
  19. Apparently not enough.