Drifting off topic..anyone can own the title and own outright Mexican interior land..and land in 'the restricted zones' is obtained by establishing a legal trust that holds the property for you, thus granting you all the legal rights to the property...provided the law will enforce your rights. As history has shown..every country on earth has seized, nationalized, or used eminent domain, or war to take? Steal? Peoples property.
Without being long winded, or over analyzing. What I seen the past 2 years was a rejection of the liberal agenda. When I talk with people like minded myself. Moderate and somewhat apolitical. Outside of policy people just didn't care for the attitude of liberals in general. There was a smugness that they couldn't wash off. Insults in public forums and other social settings that were race based and bigoted. A over confidence in intelligence, and a chip on the shoulder. It's not always policy. Attitude plays a role as well. If the people who want you to follow a agenda are jerks, well you know what they can do with the agenda. Stick it. Make of it what you will, but I've spent a lot of time looking at all this and talking with people. And that's what I have seen and heard from others. Have a good day guys. Good luck.
I would say you're a low information voter. Obama is the one pushing for a minimum wage increase. The GOP is against it. Obama was the one who tried to get unemployment extension benefits passed. The GOP was against it. Obama had the American Jobs Act, scored by CBO, which would have added over a million jobs. The GOP was against it. Obama was the one with a Veterans Job bill. The GOP was against it. Let's look at the economy. Under Obama, the economy has added 9.4 million jobs. We lost 4.8 under Obama while the recession was going on, so that's a net gain of 4.5 million jobs. We're actually having the the best private sector jobs creation performance in American history. Just for giggles, the net gain under Bush was 1.5 million jobs. Stock market? More than doubled, record highs. Corporate profits? Record highs. GDP? 63 straight months of economic expansion, and 25 consecutive months of manufacturing expansion. Compare that to Europe, who's slipping back into recession. Is the economy better? You bet it is. So why doesn't it feel that way? Answer: Because most of the gains are going to the top. That's not rhetoric or class warfare. It's fact. Middle class wages are stagnate. Upper class incomes are rising. In 2010 the CEO to worker pay ratio was 227 to 1. Now it's 295 to 1. Meanwhile, workers can't get raises. Hell, they're told they're lucky they have jobs. Now you tell me, how do you think giving tax cuts for the wealthy and cutting back spending on social programs, which is the basis of the GOP economic plan, is going to fix that? It's not. We have a consumer based economy. What drives growth and job creation is people spending money and consuming things. If the largest group of people, the middle class, doesn't have money to spend, you don't get growth and job creation. Demand creates jobs. Not tax cuts or increased capital. If there's no new customers to buy my products, I don't need to hire more workers. It's that simple. It's been said that people get the governments they deserve. It's true. You're being lied to? When was the last time you fact checked a politician? And I don't mean just asking your guy or watching the news. They lie too. I mean actually looking up the facts behind the statement. Checking the numbers. Looking at who voted for what. And what they actually were voting for? We live in a country where most people know more about sports and TV shows than they do about the issues. They get their news from sound bites and never bother to check if what they're hearing is true. Hell, many don't even bother to vote. In 2008 only 57% of the voting-age population cast ballots. The highest level in four decades. Then they wonder why things are a mess. Go figure.
Let me first start by saying I'm an independent . That being said , the current climate of American politics is quite disgusting. You have entire media outlets that spread fear all day every day. Dems say republicans want to kill grandma republicans say Obama is purposely letting Ebola spread And people on both sides believe this **** and vote a certain way because of it. It's just all really sad and disgusting. In two years they'll be sick of the republicans and the dems will be back in. How quickly we forget history. Vote independent. Please.
Isn't this result just going to result in 2 more years of gridlock Washington politics ? The republicans can try to get legislation through but Obama can veto it when it hits his desk. Yes congress
At first you look at the results and you say what a disaster but if you actually think about it this is really best case scenario. The republicans control the house and senate. They have been crying about Obama for 6 years. I'm a middle of the road voter. In sick of both groups but here's the deal after this there will be no more excuses. The GOP controls their destiny. They have 2 years to prove they were rigjt and 2 years to prove the democrats were right about them. If it's a disaster long term more damage will be done to republicans after all the posturing and doing nothing in congress for 6 years making Obama make all the laws himself. They first need to get rid of obamacare. After that it's on you now to make this situation better and I'm very very skeptical that will happen. In other words Hillary is a lock for 2016 ...sigh
It's really quite simple: In order to sell advertisements, news organizations must get viewers. In order to make and retain viewers, these businesses have found that certain topics grab out attention like to other. There are few things that we get as passionate about as politics, and second guessing our current politicians is big business. No matter which political side is in office, the major news outlets will villainize the current politicians because hindsight is 20/20 and it's an easy way to get viewers engaged and sell advertisements. Add this to the fact that we elect out politicians based on who gives the best presentation during an election. This means we elect the best salesman, and not necessarily the best leader. These are two very different skill sets.
Probably more effective E-mailing my representative...or writing a bill and submitting it...and stick to jokes on kaw. By definition, you'd almost have to be crazy to be a politician. Mowing the grass on 'the mall', making ice cream, working at Disney World, being a life guard, flipping burgers, etc...all seem more enjoyable...maybe get skynet, or Watson, or goldeneye, or big thinker to run things...
Right, because I've never seen a smug, bigoted, insulting, unintelligent conservative. Seriously, don't make me laugh. I'm a moderate independent that leans a bit left. I live in the south. I voted for Obama. I've been called a godless N ___ loving communist. I've been told I'm not a "real" American. I've been called a traitor. I've been told I'm going to burn in hell. I've had whites who can barely read, can't spell, and are collecting workman's comp for fake injuries and/or food stamps tell me that Democrats are taking their money to give to lazy blacks and Mexicans and we should kill all the Muslims because they're terrorists. I know all about attitudes.
I see congress passing a lot of bills but Obama will veto them and keep blaming republicans for grid lock.
Did you guys know recreational use of marijuana was just legalized yesterday in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington D.C. (Capital)
Saying Obama doesn't care about his country or citizens is a statement made from emotion, and I don't think its accurate. I think Obama does indeed care about your country, or else he wouldn't have run to be president. A more accurate statement would be "Obama thinks big government is the solution to America's problems". This doesn't make Obama evil, or even "bad". Its simoly his ideology. Now, big government had been on trial for 6 years. People are looking at Obama care and other programs he has implemented, and they are going to make judgements on the results. Does big government work? You tell me. The American people are deciding that answer, and will continue to do so. Obamas policies are part of the American experiment. If I were to read tea leaves, I think that the majority feel that big government had failed them. I'll go back to Obama care, because its what I know....... 1: if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. WRONG 2: your premiums will go down. WRONG 3: if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor WRONG 4: obamacare web site launch was a disaster and still has no "back end" This was a 100% democrat crafted bill made under a supermajority and with no republican finger prints. The results are now coming in. Will Obama care be repealed in the future? I don't think that question is really important, and here is why. 1: Obama used executive powers to alter/suspend/change parts of the bill as he saw fit. This means the next president can do the same. 2: if Obama care is a failure, the next congress, in conjunction with the next president, can change the bill until its completely unrecognisable from its current form. 3: Americans do not tolerate failure very well, so they will fix what needs to be fixed. At the end of the day, with out throwing rocks, corrections needed to be made to the system, and those corrections are being enacted now. This is just the start. A good ass kicking isn't unique to democrats either. Remember, Obama got his super majority early in his reign because the republicans couldn't get anything right. They were soft and corrupt, just like the rest of Washington. I think the media will say that America will want the new republicans to "reach across the isle" and work with Obama. I disagree strongly with that analysis. Scot walker from Wisconsin has spent 4 years pissing off the left, and has survived 3 elections while doing it, and the dems that got voted out yesterday got voted out because America doesn't Currently like the big government philosophy that is Currently being done. I'll give Obama this, he was bold. He had/has power and has used it to mercilessly forward his keft won't adgenda. Now that the republicans are coming to prominence again, they need to use the power that was given to them, much like scot walker has. Replacing democrats with "democrat lite" relubkicans is a ticket to obscurity. Left wingers can take hope, however, in the fact that relublicans rarely act boldly and generally fear the press. Anyhow, tjats my read on this. Republicans have a shot. Lets see if they take the mandate they have been given, or lets see if they screw it up and go soft.