Simple people are tired of being lied to, being jobless, and living to work. I would say Mr. Obama is the first president in the U.S who does not give a crap about this country.
Well moose i tell ya.obama is gona run out of ink hes gona have to use his exective powers a lot to veto.I back this up with such thinks as gay right.his bill on obama care .how hes delt with the borders and alot of others bills he sighed are gona be under fire and lets not forget his promise no boots on the ground over iss His time that he has left(thank god hes getting out)is gona make him old and under alot of stress.His legacy is in serious jerpardy
Their is a lot of truth to that every couple of years when the party in power refuses to do anything good the other party gets voted in :lol:
Hmm. I have a typo. " which humorless overlooks" should be "which amusingly overlooks" and I can't edit my post or delete and repost. Interesting.
Lol. Hablo espanol? More United States retirees are buying homes in Costa Rica, Belize, Brazil, Mexico and etc..where the weather is nice, and somehow they figured out how to pay for health care. As a registered Republican, one party in control of all three branches of the U.S. government undermines the checks and balances established by the constitution. So it's a good thing the Democrat president can veto any silliness the Republicans try to force through.
Deece. If it is a bill that the majority of both houses agree with, a veto can be over turned in congress.
With a 'supermajority', which neither party has, so unless Congress works together and agrees on implementing good bills....
Last I heard I couldn't own properties down there. It has always been that way I thought? It's not a very free open society IMO.
On average during a the presidents second midterm election his party(republican or democrat) loses 29 seats in Congress. This speaks to complete and utter incompetence from both political parties. Both sides make promises, they blow it, and then we vote the other guys in and then repeat. Down with democrats and republicans.
The low voter turn out and apathy of the U.S. voter is an indication that apparently the majority, ultimately doesn't think there is much difference in candidates...
Its just a normal fact of life in a dual-party political system. Some people are naive enough to think that the party in opposition will do more to fix their daily struggle. Someone mentioned that only 30% of people registered to vote showed up. If that percent is true what does it mean? That 70% of people registered to vote don't care about America's and americans feature? Or maybe they just didn't wanted to waste their time because they knows that no matter what they vote will have the same effect on their lifes?