Interesting aj, u taught me something on that one, but I still remember the election day and the televised ppl being interviewed bragging about Obama giving them a cell phone so maybe u should inform all your liberal voters of that also so maybe we won't have to put up with 4 extra yrs of bus from another liberal
The term was coined because an uninformed voter thanked Obama for giving her the phone on live Tv. The republicans ran with it. As I've said, I have no political party.
@ Buckeye, Dragon does get caught spewing things that eventually make no sense. He uses talking points of others. But hey, it's still a opinion and a point of view. If people like what he is saying is all they have to do is turn on the TV. They will find plenty of it there. But conservative are the same way. It's all pre thought out talking points. Used over and over. Nothing new nothing fresh. Template thoughts.
Your words in this thread have seemed pretty left so far so maybe u have a party without realizing it or maybe to embarressed to admit. Idk just an observation. Or maybe u just like going with what u feel is the under dog
Lol, I'm never embarrsed of what I am, who I am and what I believe in. I can lean both ways on issues. I'm telling you I have no political party. If you can't take my word, then we've nothing else to discuss. But, it's funny. A democrat would call me a republican on some issues and vice versa.
I believe u and I have been called a liberal by other republicans before cause I don't agree with things such as closing our borders. Just hard for me to hold it against someone trying to enter the country to better their life
Actually, the Republicans won this mid term because mostly angry old white people came out and voted, and the Democratic base didn't. That and the Republicans finally learned to put a muzzle on their candidates so they didn't say stupid things like Todd Akin. As for the "people" voter turnout was among the lowest recorded. The "people" mostly stayed home. As for my rhetoric being rejected in the real world, there were two person hood amendments on the ballot in two red states. You know, those things you support. Both were defeated. Four states also voted to increase minimum wages. By the way, the reason I'm a headache is because I can present reasoned arguments back up by facts and data. You simply parrot whatever you've heard. That's why you never bother to refute my posts. You simply start parroting something else. Cheers.
You can be left leaning and consider yourself a moderate and be non affiliated. Some left leaning people do vote for republicans time to time. I like AJ. He seems accepting, and willing to explore other people's views. What more can be ask of someone? Understanding is the most important thing IMO. It's hard to do that if you choose sides. If liberals were right and had a common sense direction this thread wouldn't exist. So there are obvious holes in thinking and philosophy. Same for conservatives. They just can't see it or refuse to admit it.
Don't hate. I know all the work you put in here. You couldn't gain enough votes to win a distinct if all of KaW voted. You know you use template arguments. It's okay. We all need something to do Come on man you don't think of none of your points on your own. We all know it.
"Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN February 2, 2014 - In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census. ... epublican/ "Of the 100 counties nation-wide with the highest percent of whites on food stamps, over half -- 52 -- are in just three states: Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. Over 17% of white West Virginians are on food stamps, the highest rate in the country." ... south.html "The GOP Is The Food Stamp Party Bloomberg recently compiled U.S. Department of Agriculture data and found that, “70 percent of counties with the fastest growth in food-stamp aid during the last four years voted for the Republican presidential candidate in 2008... The 10 highest tax-producing states have all been “blue states” over the last few presidential elections. Of the 10 lowest, eight are “red.” Even within states, Democratic-leaning counties tend to consume fewer services for the tax money they contribute than red counties do—even though Democratic areas generally include large urban populations." ... amp-party/ Don't worry. We'll make sure your base gets fed.
You won't make sure anyone gets fed. You don't have the means to do so. Why after such a informative post would you resort to that kind of talk. Go ahead alienate more people. Just to stick it to Buckeye you insult people you don't know in a demeaning manner. You want to come off as someone people listen too? You shouldn't talk that way. You don't represent the DNC and stuff like that is not what is needed. You got trolled into looking like a dick head. But hey whatever you think will work for you.
Well maybe if the government did their job and created better paying jobs there won't be a need for food stamps......
We went through this a few months back. How military, bank tellers, people doing public service jobs receive food stamps. CNN bloggers with their ebt cards. White people by percentage receive less food stamps than everyone except Asians. Yet the top of the post says white
According to conservatives, government doesn't create jobs. Wealthy people do. That's why they need more tax breaks.
Bloomberg? What's next? Salon? You can seriously believe the GOP is the party of welfare. That's some MAJOR spin.