What is your opinion on Tuesdays election results?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Hows that for thought out :lol:
  2. sorry but didnt read the last post. Was to long to read. But I still don't support abortions
  3. I think this vote shows how Americans have fallen short of their faith in Obama. As a proud conservative I been saying since the start he was a joke. How much of your check goes to pay for a crappy healthcare system I ask moose? We will be feeling the full hurt of Obamacare in the next 10 yrs and its not gonna be pretty. Liberals have some good features but the party as a whole wants its citizens dependant on the government because its easier to control the populous then. Its said since it was JFK ( a democrat) who once said" ask not what your country can do for u,but what can u do for your country." Know its parties voters are largely made up of ppl wanting their government to fix all their problems and leave them no responsibility for the bad choices they made in their life. The American Dream has always been if u work hard enough u can achieve anything, but some how over the yrs its been lost to liberals that it is power to them. Sorry but you are owed nothing. Go out and earn it and if you made bad choices in your early yrs that keep u from it their is nobody to blame but yourself. The government or those that actually pay taxes in should not be responsible for your bad choices. Small business's make up most of our countries jobs so why support a party that has no respect for the small business owner and only backs unions. I sorry to tell you that unions as they once saved our country from tragedy are now leading our country to that very place if we allow them.Why did the auto industry fail and need a bail out, because of the unions. We paying ppl twice what that job is worthfor doing a job that literally u can train a monkey to do. Sorry if your offended , but its the truth. I can go on but probally best iI stop there cause like most conservatives I have other things to do. Peace out
  4. OBAMA in general is already a very CRAPY PRESIDENT in the first place
  5. And just for shits and giggles, why do most poles start off with democrats in the lead? Because the republicans haven't gotten off work yet !
  6. I just can't find someone to do like Dragon is doing for the republican side..

    I don't understand why America can't have a health care system.

    Welfare? The system needs fixing, not throwing away.

    America needs things that will help people get on their feet when hardships it. Because, I know, most people wouldn't help them. Hardships happen and sometimes, it's not people's fault.
  7. ya because us republicans actually work for our money unlike you democrats
  8. You do know the people in the political party called democrats are U.S. Senators/congressmen? That's a job.
  9. They clearly don't do crap except for the republicans
  10. How many days a year do they work AJ. We all need jobs with that kind of downtime.
  11. He referred to democrats not working and taking hand outs. Just was pointing out that Democrats do work.

    Hell, I know some republicans who don't work.

    Also, screw these over embed quotes
  12. @Gib

    Please explain how Obamacare will ruin America. Show me some reasoning here. Stating facts without logic isn't enough.
  13. You know Dragon is a real headache from what I've seen so far. He spews the same stuff that the talking heads at MSNBC say on a daily basis. And you know what? At the end of the day the Republicans won this midterm not because of their own policies but because the people rejected the radical Left in Washington. These Republicans were NOT elected to compromise and they must understand that. They need to treat these Democrats the same way they treated us. Nuclear option and all. Dragon can argue all he wants, his rhetoric has been rejected in the real world.
  14. This always happens, lol. Vote out the guys in power. Maybe these other guys can do better. Then we go back to the democrats.

    Back and forth. I hate it.
  15. Honestly as long as none of us are like the stupid WESTBORRO BAPTIST CHURCH we should all be fine
  16. I know a lot of democrats that work hard everyday and yes I know a lot of republicans that don't work. Never have Republicans had to go into primarily welfare driven communities asking them to vote so they could win an election.I see it every election from the democratic side. The deciding factor in Obamas reelection was giving free cell phones to a poor community in Ohio or where ever. I mean wtf that's just the problem, ppl the largest part of the liberal voters( not all as I said before democrats do have some good goals) are ppl lookin for free hand outs for free hand outs instead of a willingness to go earn it. The health care system we have is not the greatest I agree but if you think Obamacare is better than u have never read the bill and chose to only here free healthcare. News fact " nothing is free" . right now over 40% of Americans are dependant on the gov. What happens when that number breaks 50% and u have more ppl receiving tax returns than actually paying in taxes. And yes for those that don't research things , the largest part of that 40% are democrats. U don't meet very many republicans on welfare and the ones u do are usually not on it very long. I know this angers a lot of ppl , but I am sorry. My parents always told me that sometimes the truth hurts
  17. Obama phones?

  18. It's sad really. Every election it's working America(Republicans), turning out every year to vote in a desperate fashion to keep their hard-earned money. While an increasing electorate of a mostly handout/welfare driven base (Democrats) as well as their white egotistical elites who shape and mold the minds of those not in the workforce to believe it's all about race, feminism and gay rights to vote to take the money of the working half.
  19. I never did understand opposing birth control and abortion. I see no logic in this.

    However, women do still choose to open their legs without birth control. When they become pregnant running to abort shouldn't be a norm, but the exception. And it is exception. We still need to hold people accountable. Not only is abortion unhealthy for a women's mental health. Believe me, females I know that have had the proceedor have a hard time coping with it. No matter how much we say it's okay. It still effects them pretty harshly. Some more, others less. Unprotected intercourse also spreads STD's along with unwanted pregnancies. And they can't be aborted.

    Being more selective and having the patience to find caring, healthy partner would probably at this point be the more logical philosophy for us to be using. Less STD's, less unwanted children, less abortion.

    Which in turn will lead to happier life.

    Not Christian logic, it's not even anti abortion. Its just different than the political narritives that really don't consider the emotions and long term health of the women they claim to be fighting for.