What is your favorite ice cream?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wordwaster, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. What's ur fav ice cream
  2. Didn't you already say this and then I was like "you aren't picky and love sweets"
  3. Oh whoops I got you confused with someone else my b
  4. you never did do mine
  5. I did do yours just not in this thread
  6. What about water ice cream ????
  7. That's just Ice kinda
  8. I would say mint chocolate chip, or pretty much anything that looks interesting or perhaps something simple like Vanilla or Chocolate ice cream...
  9. You are the genie, you tell me. ๎‚
  10. I have always been partial to choclate mint.
  11. You like to take charge because you're a visionary with great ideas. You're a calm person who often thinks through things before doing them
  12. Hmmmmmmmmmm
  13. You're a funny spirited person but can come off as kinda shy. You'd talk to anyone but you'd only tell very certain people truly how you feel
  14. yeah. but no one else got to see it.

    and i don't remember what it said.
  15. That's ur own fault for not taking note of everything I say because I am God
  16. Todd is God


    (u catfish)
  17. Todd is my son and I'm not a catfish cuz im his mom
  18. ...daddy? ๎”ƒ
  19. don't fall for it. it just another catfish trick!