What is your favorite ice cream?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wordwaster, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Man this thread looks delicious...
  2. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
  3. Especially the pasta pics 

  4. Extremly accurate lol
  5. Doesn't do mine lmao
  6. A combination of blueberry and strawberry ice cream, and peanut butter.
  7. This sounds pretty gross tbh

    But you're an adventurus spirit who won't take no for an answer. You seem to have something to say about everything and somehow can remember random facts but not the real important stuff
  8. Oh. I messed it up. Blueberry and banana*
  9. Omg now you ruined some of my prediction
  10. You are a star of tomorrow ! And by the end of the year Wattz you will be named " Kaw forummer of 2016 " !!
  11. What an accomplishment lmao.......
  12. Caramel is great. All time fav is Rocky Road. Unfortunately hard to find here in Japan.
  13. Haagen Daz > Macadamia Nut Crunch
    Is my fav
  14. You love giving advice but have a hard time taking anyone else's. You're a kind person who people look up to and you're always there to help.
  15. You're a trustworthy person who is kind to the people they choose to talk to. You aren't super social but you will talk to people when needed.
  16. Ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie.
  17. Buttered Pecan
  18. You're a funny wild spirit and you tend to make friends easily. you're picky about who you open up to and don't trust very easily.