What is this?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. I've had that done to me before. It realy sucks.
  2. Back in the very early days of KaW (before tier 3) there was no cap on plunder. So the more $'s worth of allies you owned, the more $'s you made per hit.

    The first person who figured this out was a guy called KingdomsOfWolves so while everyone else was hiring a few allies for the stat boost they gave, he was pouring every cent he earned into allies.

    The more he bought, the more $'s he made per hit, the more $'s he made per hit, the more he earnt, and so on.

    He very quickly rose to be #1 on the leader board by such a large margin that no one had a hope of catching him.

    Obviously other people started catching on and doing the same thing, and the more people that figured it out, the more people started earning huge amounts of gold, but with his head start KoW was way ahead.

    This also brought in another problem, inflation. More and more people were creating more and more gold, and the amount of gold in the system was growing exponentially

    The Devs decided that plunder needed to be capped. And changed the system to the one we know today where you earn more from allies only up to a certain point, then it's caped.

    The number on people's profiles you are asking about is an old relic of before the cap, and refers to the maximum amount you could have made from owning that ally if not for the fact that there is now a cap.

    Keep en mind that back then 1b was a huge amount of gold, and no one cost anywhere near as much then as they do now.
  3. Wow, i did not know that. Learn something new every day, huh?
  4. Kingdom to do this was Emeth, not KingdomOfWolves, but otherwise that's correct.
  5. Game would know better than I do, I stand corrected.
  6. Thank you Jezza.

    That was the post I was looking for.
    So it appears that it does not really refer to anything we need today, but is history from the past.
    Kind of, at least.

    I appreciated that story. More than I say.

    @Some guy who called me a kiss ass

    I am not a kiss ass.
  7. @ Game, so KoW was one of the guys chasing Emeth? I remember when I first started that KoW had huge amounts of gold that was created from before plunder was capped.
  8. Swabia thought the same thing about KingdomOfWolves Jezza, saw that on another thread earlier this week. But KingdomOfWolves made all his gold from Steals. I know that's hard to believe but game mechanics originally had Spies as support units so a Steal with one level 1 Guild paid what an Attack with a half dozen or so level 1 Workshops did. A level 2 Guild paid significantly more, and only the very richest Kingdoms sported a level 3 Guild. KingdomOfWolves had many.

    KingdomOfWolves discovered that whereas all the strongest Attack builds in the game were earning hundreds of thousands of gold per Attack that he could earn millions of gold from Steals. He played very quietly and stole and stole and stole to build his Spy account, and his fortune.

    Eventually mccc and Emeth and others followed suit converting to Spy builds and the Developers had to step in and Nerf Spy earnings. It was such a calamity that the Developers actually offered to buy-back everybody's Spy Towers, because we were all putting them up like crazy since the Spies were gutting us like fish.

    The fall-out from this Spy Nerf was interesting. KingdomOfWolves invested wisely, again playing it quiet. Smart move on his part. Emeth was more brash with his gains, hired half the Kingdoms in the game and inflated the economy single-handedly over two days. Hence Plunder Cap was implemented. mccc "the Sneaking Shark" was distraught over the Nerf and decided to allow friends to farm him of his gold. He only played for a few weeks more but had already seeded this game's appetite for the Open Secret Farm, as the first KaW OSF. Enter Corinthian and the rest and that brings us to today.
  9. Thanks Game 
  10. Nice!

    I history lesson! Thanks Professors Henge and Oz.  Good stuff.

    Question: when that plunder cap was implemented, was there like 20-30 threads per hour protesting, like today's forums?

    Also, noted: Page 1 - Chirizard has again posted a negative, nonsensical, condescending remark to boost his post count.

    Obviously, you aren't listening to the warning Drgn issued....
  11. Thank you Game and Jezza! This was a little before my time. It hard to find people that remember that far back. However, it's fun to learn how much the game has changed and evolved along the way.

    I started about the time Hansel introduced his "plunder" build on forums. I'm just glad I listened way back then. :)
  12. Haha, I wasn't around quite that far back. But I do listen and remember when the old timey folks  tell stories of "back in my day"

    Did you know that the original KaW was powered by hamsters? And that the term "farming" originated because all the players used to have to tithe a % of their corn to the Devs to help feed the hamsters. 
  13. Bump for history's sake
  14. Dem good reads.
    KOM, Emeth, Corinthian, and Mccc are recurring names I've seen since joining the game. Interesting how things happen
  15. Lol this thread went from a simple question to a learning thread.

  16. Thank you for the history lesson. Always wondered how OSW started. I haven't seen that name Corinthian in a long time
  17. I think he was in WC like a week or so ago :0