Achievement bonuses come out soon. This is to soften the sting of taking away reset items and ally slots
@You I often don't agree with you, You. But then you say something I totally agree with. (Same for Henry Rollins and Bill Hicks, when they're on the money, 'Yeah, exactly!') Take away reset bonuses... Because people were doing resets too easily... Offer as EB drops... Take that offer away... Then - wait for it - give reward to those that found time to reset 5 or more times. Ooookay..... Logic like a sieve
Check me you'll see. A bright Orange Shield with a Phoenix in it. Cooooool I was doing one reset every 7-10 days. Darn
Least it doesn't look bad...they did their job didn't theyeven the playing field *quoting kaw admin and take away stuff
Think of the people that did an unnecessary amount of reset bonuses. Not only did they get their permanent items, they got compensation for ally slots removed, and soon will receive an achievement bonus....