what is the oldest clan in KaW?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by canucksfan233, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Trust me, I would know. I only ran the Alliances thread for months.

    Elite Templars?

    There was a Knights Templar later.
  2. Listen to shol he's a old fart but knows his stuff.
  3. I'm not an old fart. Just an elderly one :lol:
  4. Yea, Knights Templar was it. Pwnager is even in that clan. That alliance goes way back.
  5. haha I'll trust you
  6. I remember knights Templar, they had lots of nice folks there. Learned much from them and foxes back in my beginning. I believe KT is still around, but not sure if they are the same force they once were. But who is really?
  7. Oh and sholron is definitely right about ig and foxes
  8. Not IG and not foxes.

    Kingdom knights or something it died after a couple days
  9. The German foxes are the oldest clan
  10. If they died after a couple of days, then they would not be the oldest
  11. If you mean the oldest currently active clan, then iG.
  12. iG and Foxes
  13. Gotta love people telling shol that foxes was first clan :p
  14. Some people :roll:
  15. Keep in mind the fact that there were forum clans way before actual clans, and if Grammar Unicorns thread on the history of KaW is accurate, the first official clan was White Knights.
  16. I'd bank on Stora over G_U, lol
  17. Avatar is right, I think white knights was the first clan.. iG and foxes were the first clans to officially war
  18. White Knights was the first clan.

    Foxes, iG, and TFK are also some of the oldest active clans out there.
  19. ^correct