viewtopic.php?f=8&t=128238&hilit=timeline#p3670162 never tried to post a link but there it is to grammar unicorns timeline thread
Grammar's thread is wrong in many cases, don't rely upon it for information that isn't common knowledge.
I've been here for a while and I have to say Monster Garage, but I don't know if they're still out there
IG I've been around(this is a new account) since the second day of kaw! I've seen many clans rise and many clans fall... Those still standing are the ones who shall be remembered
iG and The Foxes, they are oldest, i know this because for being the first guilds/clans formed they got an increase in max amount of people allowed in the clan at one time. That increase made it where they could have 125 members in it at a time
iG and Foxes were the first clans, they where forum clans then when the clan system was released German Foxes, was the first clan ever made.
Sigh, it's been said a hundred times and yet nobody seems to listen . . iG have been around the longest. They were the first clan that was made in kaw(correct me if I'm wrong). Hence why devs let their clan have mre than 100 members in it. Can't remember what the clans max member number is, but I think it's 150 or 200.
White knights is supposedly the first but there is the arguement taht german foxes is, honestly there were a lot. If your clan was made the day they where released than boom. You got a first day clan. Now iG and Foxes started in the forums as a forum clan, and in general I believe when the clan system was introduced that German Foxes and White Knights where made at the same time. That is my theory.
Magic ur a noob they have extra slots becuz they beta tested the war system. They were far from the first clan made. The first clans made had more 'fantasy' based names. It was a time when the system was new and wasnt over saturated like today where u have to think for hours to get a good name.