what is the best build for making money?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. The hoe factory
  2. The whorehouse... And damn you shadow! 3 pages and the person RIGHT before me says almost what i would.
  3. 49 titan Lairs lvl 3
  4. You use attack potions so you can still hit in the big EB's even though you naturally lack the attack power with 1 troop building

  5. Hybrid builds don't have only 1 troop building
  6. Hansel? With tons and tons of BFA you can no pot EBs and make a **** load of money.

    Hybrid is the best for it IMO.
  7. Ya - I'd say like 37 titans and 12 guilds
  8. I still like hansel
  9. Hansel!

    I watched one very clever player turn from hansel to an attack build - once enough in allies to give most a good run for their money, without pro packs and spending a fortune. She hit LB, too. :)
  10. t3 hansels with guilds sit on a gold mine lmao. Most save in allies for one big conversion
  11. Attack build till you have 1.5mil attack then build SoD
  12. I like my build  it's coming along nicely