What is really happening with EE wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _WeLCoME_To_ThE_MaCHiNE_, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. You want quick results? Get all the clans together that are interested in boycotting and fed up with e war and osw the few clans taking advantage of this stacking, start with RH and work your way down, disrupt them to where they can't focus on e war and fall apart. Devs will make changes quick then
  2. You can run a full bar on me WTTM :D
  3. Devs are taking the piss. Think they want us all to make this our last season. I'm fed up of bothering now. Why bother when they still have yet to address 90% of issues. Chaos wars=complete waste of time. Yes devs very smart doing 25 rosters even though you have never tested that roster . The apes have got into the medicine box clearly and yet to apologies even though next week is 20 roster so they are admitting they completely messed it all up. I want the apology you owe all that bother warring this nonsense! Pathetic. A multi million company cant even once meet deadlines or things they promise. Absolute joke. May as well run ata out of ur back shed
  4. We got a bad match. SOTUW is stronger than us cs and bfe wise. Last time they kicked our ass in war, we were just out gunned
  5. I "WANT" an apology. L.O.L

    You aren't entitled to a damn apology. The type of industry they are in doesn't really allow them to beta test **** like this. They rely on you guys for feedback, and even then the feedback given needs to be tweaked.

    Devs should take a season to have no mith, raw stats/allies/equip, no mith. So no one cries about losing mith. Then they should dedicate resources to this aspect of the game. PvP popularity is growing, so I could only imagine the money they could make up for it.

    I find it funny that they're clearly trying and 100 people will get off at this stop and A.) Beat a dead horse..
  6. My wall is a perfect example of a cry baby. QQ "you don't EE nublet". Blah blah blah. Fail generic 6 year old insults. Grow up you punk *****.
  7. I've literally lost interest in EE anymore. The fact of all the stacked LBs and PSpy clans, and or lbs and SH clans. I'm having more fun not warring then trying to win a stacked battle.

  8. pure spy clans get their asses kicked, just saying
  9. Berd is on to something
    Support his proposition with different war tiers!
    Tier one: 0-5mil cs
    Tier two: 5-12mil cs
    Tier three: 12mil-up cs
    Or something...all players you sign up with need to be in range of one tier...
    And yes bring back 11 man roster until fix issue!

    Let discussion go on️
  10. @relic

    Yes but they earned their equip, nothing u can do about that.

    Bigger prizes for top tiers

    U want to be small, you have the right to be, just get rewards accordingly to your tier

    Nobody can't say isn't fair

    If u don't like the rewards from ur tier... Upgrade
  11. There's 5 wars mid day Saturday 

    Take a look at -versa- thread on fixing the outdated plunder mechanics - would go a long way to evening out builds that go to war and hit ratios that are giving us so many no matches.

    It's an elegant solution and a metric that is already in place. ️
  12. Welcome i love your posts 
    Maybe just maybe all these no matches might force clans to use a more normal roster ... Only maybe though lol
  13. Lol clans use normal rosters. Until the payment is addressed in wars clans will stack. Totally agree versa's thread is on the right track to avoid a stacked clan. Or at least reducing the stack.
    Obviously there will still be an ideal roster and build type but there would bs a small grace period until that's found. And hopefully that would balance out to a more natural build.
    I personally think a minimum ee payment for attack with a no dtw restriction is the ideal to balance all builds. But that could be a nightmare to put in place.
  14. Why is it so hard to just match clan strength for clan strength, taking into account bfe and bfa in equation of clans total strength, locking ally hires by people in war roster once matchup made, and adjusting plunder payout to take into account someones total strength, not just their raw stats but their bfa/bfe also when determining plunder? These changes surely arent rocket science and would mean devs can scrap this failing hit ratio system that is just causing clans to exploit it with stacked lb/sh rosters, and then cry on forums at the amount of no matches their roster stack causes. Take a step back devs, a deep breath and just fix the things that are causing the death of s3. If these things are too hard to implement during season, maybe put wars off for a week to get the messy system renewed and revitalised and fair for all of kaw.
  15. Something absolutely needs to happen. The thing is, the stacked clans are just "no matching" away, just waiting on some poor suckers to make a real roster. At this point I do not believe that there is anything that we players can do minus conforming or boycotting.
  16. War 15 says it all, system is broken... Fix the root causes that keep 90% of kaw from warring and stop pandering to the 10% that have the gaul to exploit the system and then cry over no matches. Amazing kaw_admin and community are all over stupid off topic threads posting pictures for the forum hobos to trolololol over, but wont sit in an important thread to discuss and debate how to help improve their war system. The cheap throw away remarks of "we are looking into it" and "visit our facebook page for new release news" is not engaging your customers, and comes off as arogant and dismissive...

    I love this game as do all that play it, and alot of good people are trying to help you in improving the game to benefit all. The silence though is deafening, and is turning alot away from game. Even if you have to start a thread yourself, a one centralised thread to actually DISCUSS and DEBATE how we can all fix the war system to benefit ALL. Alot want to war but with things the way they are currently, why should they? Any system where 10m cs builds are encouraged to drop to 2m cs is broken and a complete failure.
  17. I give chuck 10/10 on that post. Kaw admin the system is broken. The only ones warring are the lb/sh and they are hardly able to war because their exploiting is messing with the hit ratio, there IS another 90% of kaw that is not getting to war.
  18. Gave it another shot..

    Got burned by stacking again
  19. Excellent post by Chuck  and support to the OP. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the devs have no interest in fixing what is obviously a broken system. The KaW cash cow is on it's last legs, and they know it. But in the meantime, let's try to squeeze just a little bit more milk out of the teat with gimmicky promos like fangs and moths. KaW is being pushed more and more into an EB button mashing app and further away from PVP. I've been playing this game for over 4 years now and it has fallen so far from it's original height as to almost be unrecognizable. New players nowadays would be shocked at how the game used to be played. If it weren't for playing for and with friends, I probably would've been like so many others and quit as well.

    There have been a great many suggestions by others on how to fix the system and make wars enjoyable again for everyone. So far the only response from the devs, if they decide to comment at all, is "we're looking into it..." and "we have ideas we plan on testing after this season." The same thing we heard during season 2 and the off season wars. How much MORE data do you need? Obviously, whatever observations and conclusions being made are totally off base. The forums are full of people with good and workable suggestions. Why not try LISTENING to them?

    'Later ️
  20. I think a few may not understand this and that is quite fine. Bu the changes being suggested thought out by the players are by far all back end changes... Meaning its all changes that we the players don't need to do any downloads uploads or see anything at all just results. On the programming end it's all changes that would be done on the server side of the app. This is what is so frustrating to me..... Should not take 6-8 months of data collecting nor should it ever... EVER be necessary to be done on a love server. Instead done on a beta server or by developers throwing together diff scenarios and finding te results through simulators... Seriously devs if u have been involved in mmos in the past u know how close this game is to either be a breakout popular game or yet another dud... And the did part means soon it may find a decline in people wanting to play at all never mind buying crystals etc....