What is really happening with EE wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _WeLCoME_To_ThE_MaCHiNE_, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. i and many others refuse to war to due the stacking of rosters, i have said this before dont take total cs into account, look at what type of builds have signed up, thats all there is to it
  2. Think devs getting flustered with the ee hate movement..... My prediction... While changing roster to 20 instead of 25 may change number of sign ups largely a few things will happen

    Lopsided matches and blow ours will still dominate ee with mismatchedatches.

    First day or 2 may have less no matches with more clans signing up hoping to have fair match... And then when realization comes that roster stacking dominates and they have just changed numbers needed for rosters.... Therefore nosy he's will remain high percentage.

    --- more complaints to devs about no matches by clans using the stacking system as they rage because they didn't get alot of free mith from an easy win

    -- more continued rage from many of us complaining about the broken system

    -- devs looking at data unchanged in months

    -- another week will pass

  3. ahmen voodoo, just gotta give up hope on EE, devs to much yammer no action, if im putting real money on the line i dont want it to be wasted coz of roster stacking.

    **** THE EE SYSTEM, **** THE DEVS!,NO MORE MONEY FOR THE DEVS FROM ME!!!!(its the middle finger )
  4. Ahh but come on guys, clans like RH really needs you all warring, they need more victims to feed their accounts mith 
  5. It's more like meth for RH they just keep signing up
  6. I knew it was only a matter of time before KaW became so massive that it would collapse in on itself like a neutron star.
  7. There have been enough suggestions that at least some sort of visible patch could have been made.

    Developers please do something to boost the morale of your disgruntled and bewildered warring community.
  8. We tried ee's from hom and had some success until we started getting matched up with teams that would game the system and decided Bleh, we did not want to do things that way and stopped doing them.

    So agreed that ee's need solutions or straight forward teams that want good matches will not do them.
  9. I think we should just gave EB wars, your matched with other clans to see who can beat the top EBs the fastest  clan strength should be determined by who's doing the biggest EBs the fastest. I know for me personally if I see a clan doing 10 min haunts I assume they must bad asses and leave them alone. I mean come on apherium is a bad mofo
  10. Ugh RELIC... That seems to be the direction that this is heading.
  11. Ya feels like it sometimes, EBs continue to grow, everything else continues to shrink 
  12. My suggestion as I see it easy to implement

    Tiers, 10 peeps rosters

    Isn't that hard and devs don't need to touch the hit ratio etc.

    People don't have to drop builds and don't tell me u can find 9 friends to war along side u.

    And devs just need to figure out the minimum cs for each tier.

    My 2 cents
  13. I like that berd, make people war with their own size ..good idea
  14. Only problem would be these geared up GH and drop builds would destroy everyone in the lower class
  15. Dtw/dts based off building cs only. Require one attack building to ee. Could be 15th or so time I have now suggested it. It's a solid fix. Could keep current algorithm. As for programing costs. They are minor. Haven't had one rebuttal of the suggestion over the many posts over the last couple months. Ata could have it in place by Thursday. Just sayin.
  16. I agree with the OP. That's why I have mostly not warred this season. The devs even cancelled the annual all star war so that they could concentrate on this failure of an EE season.

    I actually had some hope with those 11 team rosters, but it was merely a tease. It also allowed for more participation and therefore more chances for differing matchups.

    EE wars should have small rosters AND devs should remove all BFA and BFE when you EE war. By having one dynamic - buildings, mithril spells and pots - the ability to game the system starts to decrease. I know there would still be some issues regarding mechanics of certain builds, but the winnable hit range (as opposed to a BS theoretical hit range) would expand.
  17. The one dynamic is buildings for match ups as everyone has the opportunity to have the temporary spells from mithril or pots.
  18. Remove bfe and bfa what a joke if u cant hit ur enemy build up. U war for bfe and u want to remove it sounds weird to me. i war also for fun better make a threat for no matches since devs screwing up
  19. I'd rather fight a losing battle than fight no battle...

    Deffo need to get more clans interested in EE to improve match up percentages.