What is really happening with EE wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _WeLCoME_To_ThE_MaCHiNE_, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. I prefer NOT to play into the problem and no, the devs have been screwing around beta testing another game. Not to mention all of the dumb ass moth hunting crap, banner crap, AND slightly changing roster size! What the hell was that about? Didn't change times at all. 2/3 of the entire playing population have said the war times suck. And while I'm on it, I am KotFE! I do not mind taking an ass kicking, but I'll be damned if I miss work to waste money and get my ass kicked. That is just stupid.
  2. And they should screw hit ratio bswhat a joke! Common devs how hard can it be? Anyone that has been around a while or two know that bfa/bfe matter more than cs...static power rule over stats...still heavy bfe/bfa clans matchup with clans with low bfa/bfe wth get ur  together already devs
  3. Look, the more clans that enter without GH or leader boards the bigger chance there will be for quality match ups.

    Instead of bitching at the devs, try promoting quality rosters to the community. Make a movement, do something other than cry about it.

    Then present the devs with your ideas of improvements. Because if you follow forums like I do, you will see that they spend a lot of time and resources to improving EE.
  4. Rusted... As I said before.... Few an far between I challenge u to fin a clan not using a roster build such as gh/sgh stacking or ps stacking that have a winning record... Again vast majority of we wars are decided at matchup... In what world is that even close to fair... It's not..... In what world is it ok that vast majority of matches are decided by such a huge margin it's laughable...... Ill give u a hint the broken system is broken devs can't deny that... As for devs stating they will fix etc etc... It was said em of season 2 by the devs that they planned on fixin the gh issue among other things with ee an nothing was done... I have no Faith in I being fixed till tey show it... Btw I have a gh started 10months ago and is now fully mith equipped.... That's funny just funny
  5. Op, do you work as a game developer? Do you know or understand how to program mmorpg tap games? Do you even read the dev post? I mean every time I see you, you are always complaining about ee, but you never introduce any ideas on how to fix things.
  6. @rusted! The system is broken why would ppl even bother...how come you can't see the obvious?
  7. That just ends the no matches the the stacked clans get. If you can't see that, then you're blind. Oh and by the way, I'm not crying. This is a discussion. If you want to insult, then be prepared to leave this thread.
  8. Well said @ voodoo! And yeah I got one gh alt too out eeing with sexy equipment...why don't we all drop builds and become gh's that's awesome like back at 2009....deja vu
  9. Rusted-

    You haven't been complaining and "crying" for pvp improvements the past few months?
  10. Voodoo, you remind me of another player with your use of ...

    Past that, I don't ee because I don't do towers, but once Foxes has picked up more, we will challenge anyone that will war.

    Now look at the no matches. A good bit of them are GH stacked clans  so they are fixing things, but it takes time.

    If you dislike it so much, then stop doing it. That easy, That, or give your opinion on how to improve the match ups.
  11. I think main ee prob is current reward system - ppl who have all equips from seasons 1-2 lost motivation to enchant new equips with 5% stats boost only ......

    maybe could help something like higher old rancor equips levels .... giving after season3 ppl who now have old s1-2 equips possibility to enchant them to levels 11-15 (according their rancor end score)

    or as devs wrote make equips drops from wars after these wars .... waiting for end of season is long

    btw in season3 should be used banners as rewards too
  12. I am a developer worked for Atari for 6 years and then blizzard for 3.... Am currently working on a project now even... So yes I do know what it takes to program and make slight changes even.... The point of complaining about this issue does 2 things... With the vast amounts of complaints sheer number should put this problem straight on top of there todo lists.... The team working on ee should be fired simply put... No real changes with the extreme amounts of verifiable concrete and out of control issues with ee... Since well before end of season 2.... We have the right to be outraged and the devs know it. Soo 1 it shows that there is an issue...

    Secondly it shows we care, if we didn't care about the ee or the game for that matter we wouldn't speak up at all we'd just stop playing... Also showing our dedication to the game..

    And last but no least suggestions have been made... Read forums there are more then 20threads on diff ee issues many of wich have fixes....
  13. Problem with EE is people. You come here crying about the piss poor match up, but aren't most clans attempting to create there match ups? War from your home clan with whatever stats your clan has, and match ups are fair and wars are challenging.

    It's because people try to over think the way they are matched up that create the problem that people come here day after day to ***** and moan about.

    If the clan I'm in right now signed up for EE, and the clan ranked 1 higher also signed up.... WOW amazing war.

    How to solve this is more complicated. More clans involved, and an incentive to war from your home clans. ️️
  14. Op, I am on topic therefore you can not kick me off this thread. If you do not like what I say, lets do a good old fashion war and fill my newsfeed.

    On that, I stand by everything I said.
  15. There have been dozens of viable fixes that would not require a compete revamp of the current system. Do you know what? All ignored. We're they my ideas? No, they don't have to be. The responses the we get are "we're working on it" or "after season 3". These issues were present during season two, the chaos wars, and now season 3. In my opinion there has been sufficient "input" and "data collection" to patch this system. For the second time, please watch how you address people on this thread. Maybe you should read the OP one more time.
  16. Rusted I saw you rage and bitching thread on pvp awhile back. But yet you wanna come on here and bash us for the same. :shock:
  17. More people signing up or sorry clans signing up just feed those that are stacking there clans... This doesn't fix the problem with matchup system... To those complaining about no matches.. Ask em if there clan was gh stacked I bet every one says yes. Lol..... Again fix the matchup system...

    Here's an idea use the statistical hit percentage according to raw cs... Take out bfe and bfa ability to change how high u can reach on the roster and instead give a better variable chance to hit what ur raw cs says ur able to hit if u ha no bfe bfa....

    Another change the amount made on success to be according to lands unlocked and/or the number of lands built on instead of what is built on them.

    Another ... Change the entire algorithm to include min and max numbers meaning min of 3 smalls 3 mids and 3 bigs. Or what not.

    These are just a few given for example of possible changes..... All ignored to....band all take quite a bit of coding... It can be done in a week by a good coder depending on what he's using....
  18. Remember Rusted.. It was your bright ass idea.
  19. Op, Monster respect to you, I called you out and you filled my news feed, looking forward to this battle! keep it coming!

    I may not win much hits with you cs or your towers, but I will fight!!!
  20. Haha it's funny wheni see a post by someone that's obviously has not done ee.... Match 2 clans with similar rank won't be close or good wars unless they build extremely close rosters lol funny post