What is really happening with EE wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _WeLCoME_To_ThE_MaCHiNE_, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. It's like putting a Walmart greeter in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson. It's a damn travesty.
  2. To answer BBQ:
    Your "mice" should not compete on the same level as a "cat".
    Your mice should be in a little playground for mice. Have a great day!
  3. Don't make it so the winners only get mith, why don't devs try implementing the losers get a decreased mith payout based on their war effort. If people knew even if they faced a stacked clan, if they had a decent plunder they could earn 20-40 mith they would jump at the opportunity. This in turn would make a lot of beginner, and intermediate players who got tired of facing incredibly stacked clans (e.g. Me) more willing to start up again, as even if they did lose they would still gain from a good war effort. This in turn would boost participation, sales, better matches. Various other things.
  4. I agree with you but I missed war!
  5. Totally agree with you on this, give the loser who are actively trying a reason to war! Unfortunate the KAW community thinks loser should be punish, one idiot even suggest you should get negative mith for losing. To join the next war you not only have to buy mith to cast spell but have to buy mith to pay off your debt.

    With that kind of mentality it is no wonder the participation rate is dropping.
  6. Here I'll post this for u wrote it a while ago reposted a few times whenever it comes up
  7. 3 easy steps to fix ee wars once and for all

    Ee is a tournament style war where as we build a roster and devs pick an opponent for us to face

    The inherent problem with this system is pretty simple ... Kaw players are smarter then the devs programming and will find ways to abuse the system in anyway possible to gain an advantage in winning before even the first action is done

    Until the devs regulate the system in some way that will not allow this the system is doomed to serious issues which will make it a hard sell to the masses of players who enjoy kaw on a daily basis

    These are 3 simple steps to take to repair the current system with little chance of manipulation of the devs matching

    Step 1 change plunder pay

    All builds should make the same per hit depending on troop lvls
    At 100% troops u make 200 mill
    With a 1 mill drop per percentage of troops (so at 79% troops you would earn 179 mill per hit and so on down to bottom hit of 101 mill at 1%)
    This would go for all builds gh all the way to lb
    (As brought up by another player 200 mill might be too high a starting point ... U could use 75-25 mill for top and bottom plunder as long as uniform across all builds)

    This would do 2 things ...
    1) even the plunder out for all wars making data analysis of any issues easier
    2) would allow clans to stack their rosters anyway they like but allow both sides plunder ability equally making all clans use strategy not just depend on a roster that ensures victory 99% of the time

    Step 2 disable dtw/dts

    If u stack 4 lb and 7 gh against a clan of 11 medium /larger builds then yes the 4 lb can destroy ur clan but u have the potential to earn and try to combat the fact u can't hit them buy earning off the smalls that balanced the two rosters to begin with

    Step 3 do not allow accounts to register for war without troop buildings

    We all know of the ps/ lb issue
    Make it so if u are registered for war at time of match up if someone on ur roster has 0 troop buildings ur disqualified and will not match

    If all 3 steps are implemented at 1 time together there is little wiggle room to manipulate the system into anything but fair matches giving any roster that closely matches in over all size a chance to win or lose based solely on strategy and clan teamwork

    This would allow hansels as well as all medium builds back into ee wars open ee to all of kaw again

    From a frustrated ee war commander and veteran ready to retire
  8. I have a alternative to the way things are in EE. I would like to see each clan participating after roster lock temporarily be removed of BFE and BFA. War based only on build. It would allow for greater diversity of build and participation.
  9. My balls itch
  10. Support

    DEVS - Please try implementing some new ideas to fix stated issues WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME LEFT in season 3 (if possible) its gonna take more than 20 man rosters, although that's a start.

    Machine hit the nail on the head when he said the spirits of the community are crushed. Something needs to be done, or it's just going to keep on it's downward course til it crashes
  11. Chaos wars 11 aside worked quite well IMO. Bring that back.

    In other news, I've been known to dump big long bars in the porcelain throne. ๎š
  12. As an ee vet that has fought in over 200 wars. I am one of the ones saying meh. I think I'll pass for now. The wars are really a joke now. Basically flip a coin and see if ya win at match up or not. Kinda killing the strategic aspect of ee. Which was the big driving factor for my interest in ee. Fair fight. Let's see what ya got. The wars were fun because strategy could win or lose them. Now the roster decides if you win or lose. I have offered a simple solution quite a few times. Make dtw/dts based off building cs only. Would fix most roster stacking issues. And require one attack building to fight in ee. Eliminating ps stacking. Anyhoo. Not as pationiate as I was once on the issue. So again I will just keep saying meh. I think I'll pass.
  13. Stacked attack builds an gh/sh are hard to face can't hit hard under heavy assassination
  14. Kwency -
    Kinda hard to assn 10 GH/SH at once don'tcha think? Even if you put people 1v1 against SH to assn them, you still lose out on your chance to plunder, so it's only a good strategy in 2hr classic KO wars.

    My build is OP. Deal with it. ๎–
  15. Kwency -
    I'm sorry if I read that wrong also. Don't know if I understood you.
  16. Tmh ur wrong 10-20-100man theta chip system to the fact gh can hit 20m cs etc etc... There's alot of individual issues and alot of fixes.... But yours is not thought out very well at all.... Almost ignorant actually
  17. Devs should look at these threads and put out a poll on what people want. As someone said, now, builds like mine can't war with any good clans:/ it's a very competitive part of kaw. Not to mention time consuming. I don't have an hour and a half every day to dedicate to kaw. It's definitely the first time they've done something like this. It'd be nice if they would make this a priority since it's something they started.
  18. Most people who want to war see the complaints in WC about the poor match ups, they might war once or twice then forget it because every time they signed up they've been stomped. I wouldn't say it's due to lack of builds, although mostly that's correct. I would say its due to a lack of experience. But then again how can people get experience without taking the ass kickin they would get for not being war ready.

    I've had my ass kicked in every EE war season at least 3 times per. Season 1 murder war warlor and pillars of chaos stomped me while I was at chronos hq. season 2 I was mercing about a bit got stomped by kotfe- assassins, rising hawks, and pertuket army (or however it's spelt) and season 3 hasn't started great at all. Got matched up with HiT squad got my ass handed to me.

    Lookin back a couple of those match up were lost due to strategy. Others were utter garbage matches. With no chance of winning. Due to "war experience" not being measured you get those so called "mismatches" because you build a roster those good warriors can match again. Unlucky for you. End of the day EE wars and wars in general using a match up system will always have issues. Why? Because nothing is perfect.
  19. At my size I can never find war. Frustrates me to no end. Need more bfa or more adt or more bfe or "you're a leak". Etcetcetc. Chaos wars were great. These new times suck. To even be considered for war I "need" more attack/adt. 7t to complete t6l3. Not gonna happen any time soon. Screw you all๎– bloody sosH can hit me for ridiculous plunder. I make 1.5m max per hit. What a joke.