What is really happening with EE wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _WeLCoME_To_ThE_MaCHiNE_, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. @tmh, that does not solve the problem. The thread by RELIC actually solves the problem because devs will be the one creating the teams and that's real chaos wars where you war with new ppl with no coordination.
  2. Having the devs create the rosters is ridiculous. That removes teamwork from the picture. That makes it so you're gonna spend the whole war arguing with the idiots you got put into a clan with randomly, who have no clue what they're talking about but never shut up. There will be so much internal conflict in the nominal clan that very few people will want to continue on. It's bad enough as-is taking in a few randoms from wc. If the whole clan roster was random... Well I can guarantee you it would suck and I wouldn't go for it. The 11 man roster is perfect, but as a compromise for the people who actually like 25 for whatever reason, it should be bumped up to 15. Small enough that people can actually assemble solid crews of like-minded players, much more easily than 25 man rosters. Plus the clans that wanna just take in random idiots, hey knock yourself out-- post in wc and accept the first 14 people that apply. Good luck with that, you'll probably lose every war you ever fight. Lol
  3. Tomb even with 11 man rosters it still encourages this system of stacking rosters and builds not growing, with a random team option every build and size would be able to war as it should be
  4. Not just the GH issue but people shouldn't have to stack towers on their build if they don't wish to, just so they can maybe get accepted into a decent war clan. Random teams eliminates all of this
  5. If you get thrown on a noob team with idiots and inactives so what, the other team has just as much chance of being as bad as yours
  6. If I got stuck in a clan with a build that wasn't war ready cause he just didn't want to lose plunder ... He'd be my new pwar
  7. And Allstars wars was and always will be the biggest farce in kaw ... Not that I really have to tell anyone who has actually done one
  8. I blame Obama.
  9. No choice really Henry, get more of kaw involved in war or it's on it's way out. The builds that are built for war would just do all that much better once you have other builds competing
  10. I'll stay on my own thread now, sorry machine 
  11. The best solution so far has to be the internal hit ratio. This would stop ALL abuse. If you want a LB, then you couldn't abuse the tiny joke joke ass hansels. If you want the tiny joke ass hansels, then no LB for you. I truly do not see a flaw in this plan.
  12. Ya but that dosnt deal with the problem of not enough people signing up, things won't improve drastically until the e war community is much bigger, and this will never be accomplished as long as people trying to break into war have to stand in wc for 3 hours going "need war 2" only to rejected or let into a clan that gets demolished. That's why a random sign up option is needed, new players and people new to war need a way to war without begging and changing their build around drastically
  13. The last time I was in a War with this account was in Season 1. I am pretty sure Tomorrow when I go to WC there will be plenty of opportunity for my current build.
  14. It would address that issue. As of right now, the most coveted builds are LB and tiny crappy hansels. That is due to the inability of clans to compete with the stacked rosters. It is my belief, that the stacked rosters have broken the spirit of many who have participated in the chaos wars and S3.
  15. I ain't breaking down my build just to get a ring that's for damn sure :lol:
  16. I have an alt with your stats DK. I choose not to add to an already damaged system. To be honest, I feel sorry for you for dropping your previous build. It's a shame that builds like yours are allowed to compete on the same level as a build with TRILLIONS invested in buildings AND allies.
  17. Im sticking to my point that , devs need to make guilds pay per hit in war! nefing their
    plunder didnt do much now its sos 1. And guilds should be allowed to war as well as all other builds --- WHY NOT MAKE ALL BUILDS IN WAR PAY THE SAME PER HIT? "IN EE WARS "
  18. Cats hunt mice, what's the mice's defense?

    They don't just give up, they keep on trying(to get the cheese) and don't give in to that kitty cat.

    So don't complain if you get a miss match, just try and beat them!