What is Max Plunder???

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Yarmes, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Thanks easy to read and understand
  2. Before i was always confused with MP now i get it thx forums!
  3. Thanks I actually get it now
  4. I had roughly 4.5 mil in ally bonuses. I upgraded my summoning circle and my ally bonus cap went down to 2.5 mil. Can anyone tell me what happened? (i was at mp both times)
  5. Btw, great job with the guide. When I first started playing this game, I didn't understand the ally bonus until about 3 months in. This'll help all the new players.
  6. I want to thank you very much! This was something kinda confusing me. You helped clear it up completely! Thank you!
  7. Man max plunder MAKE'S so much sense now. Thank You so much. Iove the kiss method.
  8. What about if u are a spy..u don't get any plunder!
  9. Actually it's really good
  10. Great job! I send all friends to this post. Also, quicker way to figure if you are at mp: add your attack bonus to allies and your defensive bonus to allies and then multiply by 5500. This will give you the total value of allies needed to be at max plunder. Buy allies to amount to this number. No need for checking on hits.
  11. I was told and I think it's near spot on that 4 bil in allies is coverage for up until the first 25 lands, seems to have been maxed for me for ages since I got there and a little beyond. Cheers by the way, very informative and even more so the second time you come back and read it from starting as a noob and coming back with a little more experience under your belt.
  12. I have 8 lands to go and I calculated my MP to be around 23-24 bil, am I right though?? Plus I have 231 Bil in allies so it isn't much of a worry
  13. Clears up why I'm not getting as much gold per attack as my allies total up to, thanks
  14. Thanks didn't know beforehand