What is Max Plunder???

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Yarmes, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Nice thread. However, 100% of your bonus from allies gets added to your actual stats, not 2% as stated.
  2. 2% as in how you gauge you stats.

    Like 9mcs plus 2% of their total ally cs.
  3. Lol Yarmes was so good. It's funny that no one has mentioned about when Yarmes went crazy in WC and silenced everyone including mods. Damn that was hilarious :lol:
  4. Great job 
  5. I thought it was like this. Yet I always get told your cs x 5500 when it doesn't go up from cs x 2500
  6. Amazing :) good job!
  7. This is really helpful
  8. Thank you.
    now maybe you can make one on knowing which players to attack
  9. He can't make **** now
  10. Good guide. It works as he said.
  11. Lol necrobumping!
    Although it's actually something useful to bump :)
    We need to sticky this.
  12. this needs a sticky, and every new player should be auto directed here when first starting.

    This is one of the most important aspects of the game, and incredibly hard to beat into a newbs head.
  13. It used to be stickied once upon a time... Then yarmes went bananas and silenced everyone and perm silenced kaw...

    Damn that was a funny funny funny day
  14. This thread isn't stickied anymore because it's in the guide section now.
  15. Jesus with the wisdom, yet again.
  16. Yarmes day 
  17. Glad to see this as the first thread in active topics. Will definitely direct newbies to this guide 
  18. Yarmes used to hate my guts.

    Good thread anyway, should get a sticky.

    Not overly aggressive on BBCodes and informative.