what is going on with imdi war 4??

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by WA_Thorin-Oakenshield_WA, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I'm not even sure what an imdi war is bud sorry I can't help
  2. lol, I just checked the war history and your opponents clan no longer exists
  5. can we join a clan ? or this will make your investigations harder ?
  7. YES!!! I mithed to the teeth and had to get rid of 50 bil gold to do this war, I want compensation!
  11. not 10 nobs but 100 nobs ️
  13. And it gets better ... The war between fiendish oath keepers and dark assassins 2 says war over in clan history for fiendish oath keepers but the other clan are now attacking us when according to their clan roster there's no one there perhaps they should be called invisible assassins
  14. Now they are just going to ignore us??? Wow it's good to see that all the time and money we spend is appreciated.
  16. A small voice told me not to cast today. crisis averted.
  17. Two hours of our lives wasted ty devs awesome job!
  18. tell me next time u heard this voice , i will do same ️
  19. Well now apparently I have broken sword for a war that didn't even work
  20. 13 mith???? Are you kidding me???? I used used 18 just to cast everything for war! And what about gold???