what is everyones favorite food

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by megan--, Apr 4, 2015.

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  1. Girls get cold flashes so in your faces
  2. Dear Megan--,

    It seems as if own Cactus RP can develop no further.
    Despite both seemingly being avid Cactus fanatics, it has become evident that my passion far outstretches yours.
    As a result of this, I feel that we can no longer sustain such a solid connection as the one we had going in pm for approximately 13 seconds.
    It is with great regret that I am unfollowing you.
    You are simply not in my league of uber-cool contemporary xerophytic roleplay.

    Dicty aka "The Cactus Whisperer"
  3. No catcus rp for me tyvm
  4. What does this even mean?
  5. It means they get caught for speeding during winter, duh.
  6. Nope its when girls like meh get hotflashes and cold flashes due to girl probs
  7. Haha I'm 17 so i know this very well
  8. Speeding in the summer AND winter?!
  9. I'm supposed to have a what flash? 

  10. A cold flash, apparently.
  11. If u are a guy u don't get cold flashes which is when I'm cold even thou its warm outside
  12. I have it figured out.
    It's when someone photographs you with auto flash ON, in the darkness, whilst you're only in a t-shirt.
    Hence the "cold" and the "flash".

    I believe there was a BBC documentary about such a phenomenon a couple of years ago. Edge of the seat stuff. Kept me sleepless for weeks.
  13. And a hot flash is when i feel warm but its cold outside.
  14. what drugs are you currently under the infulenece of?

  15. @Megan
    I love how you said your 17 like 4 times. Then your like "I like donuts" and then say your skinny and cute. Like I may have been born at night, but not last night :')
  16. I like eating red snappers 
  17. The old meg is dead
  18. So your a new. Non 17 year old cute skinny meg? Your now family guy meg?
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