Dear Megan--, It seems as if own Cactus RP can develop no further. Despite both seemingly being avid Cactus fanatics, it has become evident that my passion far outstretches yours. As a result of this, I feel that we can no longer sustain such a solid connection as the one we had going in pm for approximately 13 seconds. It is with great regret that I am unfollowing you. You are simply not in my league of uber-cool contemporary xerophytic roleplay. Regards, Dicty aka "The Cactus Whisperer"
I have it figured out. It's when someone photographs you with auto flash ON, in the darkness, whilst you're only in a t-shirt. Hence the "cold" and the "flash". I believe there was a BBC documentary about such a phenomenon a couple of years ago. Edge of the seat stuff. Kept me sleepless for weeks.
@Megan I love how you said your 17 like 4 times. Then your like "I like donuts" and then say your skinny and cute. Like I may have been born at night, but not last night :')