Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Wendyms, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. It's funny, certain people who have been arguing against what OP said in this thread will throw up DNH banners during PvP and will respond with anger when it's ignored.

    Seems people can no longer just take what's offered - instead they abuse it to a point where it will eventually just become unavailable.
  2. I just don't understand why anyone would spend money in a free game on strangers when it makes them depressed in RL???

    ...PM me OP. We'll chat and get to know each other. Then I'll send you my PayPal ID so you can send me money and I "SWEAR" I'll show you honest gratitude, forget these ungrateful KAW clowns. 
  3. Awe babes, i do sympathize with ya, but not all ppl care about honor or integrity, so sadly, this thread will just inspire more of those to cause you trouble. But imo, since BFA can be stripped from you, dont invest in allies, invest in upgrades, that cant be taken awaygood luck babes, i wish the best for ya
  4. @ .v.
    When have I ever cared about stats and numbers 
  5. I feels for you bro
  6. Just a little update on how my new banner... "PM FOR ALLY HIRES" is working..... unfortunately.... NOT AT ALL... I feel like a big fat liar having it anyway.. but since I have had it... have lost 3 allies and no pm's. On Wendyms_Lukonan.. yes, lost the only good ally I have there, but I still had 25 silver bars left after pvp, so I did rehire. Shame I can't swear here, because I am swearing pretty hard right now. My pvp.. oh, I managed to make 1 quiver, thanks those that hired against my pvp banner. Looks like I lose another ally because after rehiring 2 of the 3 back, I am 800bil short... I just can't make that gold. When is this game going to stop catering gold and making this game impossible for the rest of us... unless we want to live in a b2b HTE clan. Pretty soon, we will be warring with statless allies that just give us mp. Swearing some more.
  7. Tbh, I wish all osfs were gone and no one felt the need to feed KaW
    Defeats the whole purpose of pvp
    It's, " Hunt for the Biggest Open "
    But everyone has their motivations.
  8. This
  9. Lol this makes me laugh
  10. This is ridiculous. I can't believe that this is the way some players think  it's a war game. Get over it.
  11. Yes, it is a war game and that is one of my points..... if you can reread the quote you quoted.... may not matter in OSW but it matters in ee, it matters in pvp... it matters to the fact of you just hitting me and I returning those hits
  12. This just makes me want to hire your allies xD
  13. op is still QQing? Kek
  14. So how many of the people she's helped are going to help her with her bullying problem?
  15. Noob
  16. Ouch, my feelings are hurt./sarcasm
  17. So they should be.