Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Wendyms, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. I know, let's farm him.
  2. I know, let's...

    *looks at stats*

  3. Wow zeth, how is that even possible?
  4. Huni,I know its easy to say but dont let it affect U or your mental health eg depression.Its only a game and some people play to ruin someone elses game. Iv noticed how many accounts u open and How much U much spend doing so and while this is every noble of you and Im sure 90% of the ppl who benifit are extremly grateful,If U cant afford it in RL U really shouldnt feel U have to spend it Here.Yes I know it makes U feel good to open n see others meet thier goals(I often open all event too) It shouldnt be done if its going to leave U at a disadvange in game play terms or RL. If people bully U they more then likely have alot of problems n do it to make themselves feel better.Your never going to get though to these people so ignore and move on.Concentrate on your own game and mood and let the rest of KAW look after themselves :*
  5. Ungreatful? Hardly. I haven't hit her. You too sir should probably play the sims. Next time before running your mouth do me a favor, come at me
  6. No all year if not longer- ask wendy lol
  7. The game is called Kingdoms At War. WAR. It's a war game. People can attack, assassinate, steal, scout, buy allies, or do whatever else they want to do. I get that you're trying to be nice and open up for other players, but other players care about themselves, not you.
  8. Game called KINGDOMS at war. Not clans. Why isn't every thread about kingdoms? This is a kingdom game, after all.
  9. Maybe don't cast hide ally spell
  10. Cry on forums
  11. I'm not sure, what is a person supposed to do?
  12. I also do not spend $ on this game anymore. However, I thank you so much for what you're doing. When I get a SOD I would like donate it to you as thanks.
  13. ^ Nice thought man... But she'd just use the gold she got from the eb to stay open etc..
  14. Hi OP, if KAW is making you RL depressed and you're spending RL money that you can't afford online for people you've never met and prob never will, you should make an effort to step away from KAW a little more.

    ...Happy New Year! 
  15. If that's what she wants to do with it, all the better. She's helping out everyone out of her own pocket, why can't everyone help her out a little from theirs?
  16. Because osf targets are uneeded.
  17. If someone is looking for some sort of acceptance and recognition in order to boast their self esteem do you really think KAW forums/online play is the place for that? ..especially when they admit they're spending RL cash that they shouldn't be? (js)
  18. Support to Todd
  19. Well I did hire an ally off someone who's banner said osw. Ignored because lets be honest.... kings lounge has been in osw for 25months. Can't just close shop for two years buddy. o_O