LOL tell it to half of apoc who's banners read something like 'pvp or not - no hits except apocalypse' or 'I'll strip you after pvp'cmon lets be real Yes Wendy, bulling is one word to describe what they do. Biggest hypocrites in Kaw. Not only with allies, they think they are intitled to tell players where to ee or eb also. Check pj25, who got stripped supposedly for ee'ing with Zaft. Although 01000011 wall says pj got stripped for hiring without pm (which he did after 01000011 hired pj's allies without pm first). With all the gold in game, with streinght of mp bc hansel etc game became all about boosting egos. It's easy to strip an account outside osw that's not being watched. Will put ur name out there and make u feel like u've achieved something in ur life lol Just need to come up with a reason - too bad apoc didn't coordinate that part lol plain bullying no matter which reason u go by. I'm sure many more players could comment on all the run ins they had with apoc but will they? Maybe with time it'll all come out. Wench aka redhotvixen is a prime example of not only power abuse as a mod but all the things the person that 'helps the kawmunity' should not do. She's usually the one to threaten. DNH banners are not ok, but if u put 'pm for hires' it's ok..pvp in banner is not enough just cos they said so lol or cos of their stupidity and lack of logic? they want to dictate players which banners to use lol Even though many apoc members actually whine over the fact that when they pm for hire it's a no anyway lol Or look at the walls and see how ppl keep asking to follow to discuss hire. Waste of time. It's really amusing to watch actually. I know u like to keep certain allies and u being actually helpful to newbs doesn't go into consideration when apoc ego's are bruised. Sorry they chose u to make an example of their power trips. Thanks for the help Wendy, I remember ur opens in wc during pwar era I'm sure there's a lot smaller players that are grateful to u for help with pvp. Because not all of them have tons of Alts to farm like apoc does lol Im not even sure why kotfe hits u - they have a whole group of 100 plus members in a third party app where all they do is post open osfs and oafs (their Alts) during events..our inc go to zero during events cos they busy farming Altsmany players that find those on bl were threatened and farmed, were told those are open only to apoc - takes u back to kezzer's comment: opt in in pvp but complain u get incoming haha *waiting on apoc probies to come and tell me to cry more*
Oh hey probie, only tears u get is the tears from laughing too hard. Btw u still wanna mole for us? U know where to send ss
You want your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you have the make the tough choices. Open for pvp or keep your allies, since you can't seem to make enough to do both. I had two allies I wanted to keep unfortunately they grew faster than I could keep up. That's the game. You want to keep them? Earn more gold. Can't earn more gold then stop opening for pvp. No one is forcing you to open for every single event. I don't think anyone would fault you for taking a break to earn gold.
Ok lets do this whole simple deal thing as rational didn't go down well. A while ago some idiot ( that's me ) entered a pvp event. Yay me. Then I hit others in the event who thought they were not allowed to be hit by others in the event. Well as you may imagine that didn't sit well with me and a few reputations got scrambled ( seriously of you don't get that reference you don't pay enough attention to forums). Simple rule. If you opt into pvp event. You WILL take hits and probably lose allies if you pay well. Works both ways hit back hard. Pwars are over. Opening is not needed. Though it is nice to do for clan during promos ( shhh don't tell devs that you open and ruin the spirit of the event, I certainly wouldn't do that). Generosity is great. But it's not like the old days when it was actually really useful to helping people grow. It may help during these stupid large ebs with single attack phases that last forever. But ebs took away the need for most to open. Pure spies with allies or hansels vs hybrids. In events, sorry someone is taking those allies and will not care one bit if it hurts you. The respect should be there. The thanks should still be here. But kaws changes in direction have created more selfish players rather than just aggressive clans. These days if you want to help your clan, grow hit the big ebs and be active. Help them get the fast bonuses and if someone hits your clan. Hit back harder for longer. Don't open and certainly don't announce it. If you want to help certain players then pm them. All it takes is one alt in your clan knowing you are open and expect their main enjoying the free ride too. And that's all opening does. Give others a free ride they don't have to say thanks for. So don't. Help others with advice and activity. Help by being part of the kawmunity and recognise the changes. I hate some of the changes. But they are here and so are the current players that keep this game alive. So really all you can do is work around what we have. Or ?? Make suggestions and expect the devs to use 10% of a good idea their own way in a few months and then sneak some more ideas In that work. Don't expect a thanks but we have seen the devs put changes in. So many ways to help without opening these days. Destroying your own gameplay and limiting what you can do helps no one long term. Shoving free silver spoons in their mouths won't help anyone stand up for themselves in kaw.
@russian PJ25 was stripped for contributing to ZF warriors victories in EE wars by stripping apocalypse people after being warned not to war there, and for bantering about it afterwards. As for 01000011, approximately 1/6th of the strip was donated by the immortals. If I do recall you all stripped one of their members in an EE war as well. Your clan name for some wars was something like "Hide your allies ZF coming for u," and you try to play the victim. Typical. :lol:
Don't get me wrong you have every right to strip in EE. But for people to knowingly benefit from stripping us and not feel repercussions is laughable.
Only uzi and few other probies would think this stupid childish name is cool in any wayanother poor attempt to establish some trademark? Uzi's minions didn't work huh Its rare we see anyone being THIS desperate for attention Chill out brah, no need to divert attention from main subject of this thread. Pj was just one example. And no, he didn't strip no one in our ee's lol nice try to twist it tho. Imf said pj was stripped for contributing to our victories. How butthurt is that? Lolol We don't let guests know who the target is. Wc just posts assigned targets and one of them will probably be stripped. There's absolutely nothing wrong with stripping in a war game. The difference is - we don't strip to bully someone or to back up some threats made due to overly inflated ego issues. In ee we strip cos some of our build's mechanics require opponent to have gold out for us to plunder. Stripping in ee is enabled to those participating for a reason. Let's just say we are here to insure that there's some variety in ee wars, where builds other than hansels can participate and succeed If I see an osf nice enough to open for pvp, who's banner says to hire small allies only, if dtw, I'm not gonna hire big ones. But I guess Wendy hurt vix's feelings at some point so now her big allies being hired deliberately when she's gonna loose the most from pvp hits.. Tell us instead, why are u hitting Wendy when u have a list of Alts u rotate for pvp? Lol
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's pretty much the modus operandi of the apoc apple tree.
Hi Wendy, sorry to read fhis but you shouldn't worry too much. It's just a game after all and it's only fake gold. Humans are greedy and will take advantage of you, it's a war game and clans/players do what they do, just like you do your own thing. If you feel like you being a target, why not try to hide your allies before PvP starts, or stash in materials as bronze bars/pots instead of allies. @RS, my inc stops during events too, but there isn't even inc after the event! To celebrate our 1 year adventure, i want some inc
I actually did that a little bit after starting this thread and then realised that was even more silly because then nobody can see if I am pvp'ing or going to ee war, though in saying that, we already know it hasn't mattered if I wanted to pvp or go to war. My side of the world doesn't have the greatest times for events either, since they start and finish in the middle of the night for us. I keep telling everyone the only reason I have those nice little stars beside my name is because of my allies and honestly, doesn't anyone get how ridiculous the pricing has got because too many people got too much gold and they just keep pushing the hire prices up.
Wendy not to burst your bubble but only reason you got those stars was because you were in the right clan. I fought with you first war and honestly you did next to nothing of value all war. The amount of allies you had at the time was near nothing.
Actually Kezzer, I did exactly what I was told to do and I am actually baffled by most of your comments during this thread, besides the fact that half the time you are commenting on things incorrectly, you sure are digging a knife in somewhere, not really sure why but since you are, here is a little lesson on war for you... sometimes a loss is a win... and since I was one of the smallest in those wars, my losses are still wins if it assists in helping my team get a ko or to get myself back in pin quickly. All you need to know is I was active in all 3 wars even though 2 of them were during my sleep hours (I confess to 1 x 30 minutes shutting of eyes beyond my control, which I did confess to my team at the time) and the other one also started in my sleep hours. I wear my stars with pride of being in a good team with a good wc. I actually had someone post my wall during one of them telling me to get active.. I was most offended... lol .. and had to explain to them I was active, just not getting many wins from my hits. So, my bubbles not burst and here is another lesson for you... in such big clan sizes for those wars, if we had not followed our wc, we would not have got the results we did and the fact that everyone was on the same page and followed the strategy to the letter, well..... sparkle, sparkle.... I have some pretty stars beside my name.
Whoops!!! nearly forgot... the amount of allies I have now is near to nothing too.... in fact, very rarely do I have more than 14, but the 7 I have and have lost some really good allies in this last 3-4 weeks because I can't rehire... I am still sitting 1382 on ally strength... so again, you comment in ignorance.
If this was anyone but Wendy, they would have been shot down in flames within 2 pages of this thread and that would have been that. Wendy's situation is out of the ordinary. Wendy is not only a true veteran from the old old days of this game, but also well respected and known by all the old school players including the real nasty ones. We all understand that no one has single rights to an ally. We all understand that there are no rules outside of the sandbox... And yet here is Wendy. A player who has helped nurture, support and grow some of the biggest baddest names in this game at one time or another. I feel in this instance. The leaders and veterans of this game that call the shots should pull into line the nobodies who think it's funny to hurt one of the rare few who have devoted years to helping others.
@skinny Shes helpful. Cant deny that. She helped many noobs to grow into the big accounts they are But that is her own free will and allies are a totally different matter Regardless, its a free market If people hire your allies in pvp dont cast for pvp If people hires your allies off pvp theres nothing to complain about! Unless you buy statless 10t allies your allies will always get hired off you
Didn't strip any but apoc accounts but whoever runs the Brock account stripped me in ee and they still lost all hansel low land rosters take all the fun outta of it,stripping evens it out...