Well you're in osw so it's understandable, but system war and EE war is a lot different. EE we aren't trying to strip each other...
Definitely get a fair few spy def towers, going tower build is gonna kill your plunder though. And high BFA on a tower build isn't needed, but makes for a massive pain in the arse. I was a proper hansel, but have converted a tad to perform better in these wars as hansels have trouble unloading troops successfully.
Well, all I know, is I am a hybrid, used to have around a tril in allies and did great in wars. Yet mainly I say, it depends on the type of play you use. It also depends on your clans strategy.
Look at Ali's post in the "show off your build" thread. That is the best ee build. Low stats for matchmaking, high plunder, can hit anyone low on armies thanks to equipment, mith and pots.
Ryan's tower build. Obviously . In all seriousness, this build I have can hit HLBC, and gets 50m a hit from them. It's small, people will be put off returning my incoming because I pay so bad, and because I am small the other side thinks I'm less of a threat.
Don't change your build yet. See what devs do to tower build first. If it is as I expect and there is some nerf done then hansel is your best bet for war.