What Hurts More: Childbirth Or Getting Kicked In The Balls?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. I'd wager childbirth hurts way worse. (epidural excluded)
  2. Its already been proven that getting kicked in the balls actually is more painful than childbirth based on the Del scale.

    However, childbirth is longer and is more painful in total. One moment of it, like the kick, is less painful but the process itself is worse.

    Youre also comparing a snapshot moment to hours of labor. Its not a very valid argument. Plus, the entire discussion is truly biased depending on what you have.
  3. how can anyone really debate or answer this question . If you are a male you would never experience the pain of birth and if you are a woman you would never experience a kick in the balls. To be able to truly make any comparison one must be able to experience both. Unfortunately due to our design this is completely impossible unless you are a freak of nature (ie a woman with testicles or a man with a womb)
    Just saying.
  4. OP you're stupid.
  5. Plus the fact that a females pelvis can easily shatter during childbirth, adds to the pain.
  6. Days even. And physically destroy your body not just end you having children. The number of complications.... Areas of pain. Time in and ways to die. You're asking this jokingly right op? You can't honestly think theres a comparison
  7. Kicked in the balls. Women just complain more.
  8. balls for sure if u hit the right spot
  9. Lol a coin sized hole!!! You must be using the back door OP... And a kick in the ️️
  10. Getting kicked in the balls is instantaneous pain
    Which i say is worse

    Child birth is pain overtime
    Its possible to recieve drugs to numb childbirth pain
    Or since its overtime the person would grow numb to the pain until it gets even worse

    End result :
    Kick in the balls hurt more instantly
    Child Birth hurts more over time
  11. Devouring Answer: I think getting kicked in the balls hurt more than giving birth because women's body was meant for giving birth but guys body wasn't meant to be kicked in the wrong area. Also guys don't want to be kicked in the balls but women's always wants to have a baby.[/quote]

    Be a test subject n get back to us on your findings

    tyvm for being a guinea pig
  12. The reason this forum won't provide an accurate realization of the answer to this question. Being a female, I don't have balls, so I will never know what that feels like. You being a male, will never birth a child. So you will never know how that feels. Being that we KNOW kaw is populated mostly by male players...and numbers in this regard are skewed and will always lead toward the male chosen option. But I will say this...child birth pains can last for up to 48 hours. Also, graphic as it may be...some women have to have themselves cut by a knife to make room for a big headed baby...how would u like a scalpel to the jewels? And I assume u may possibly have pain from being kicked n the balls, after the initial shock, for maybe minutes...possibly an hour or two (I'm unsure as we already saw I have none) ...from that mere fact of time duration, I believe the answer is clear which is worse.

    Besides...u have cramping pains that make u throw up, 5 days a month for years and years and years...then u come see me about pain ;)
  13. Who actually cares at this point. We all know one pain and that's our pain, whether you're a male or female, we will never know the pain of the opposite!
  14. Also this thread is a silly comparison.....
    say no more
  15. I have no idea what childbirth feels like, but it looks alot more uncomfortable and last longer than getting kicked in the balls.

    Also sometime girls private areas be ripping and stuff.

    Sometimes they even poop on themselves :-(

    Imma go with child birth being more painful.
  16. Considering I have never heard of anyone dying from being kicked in the balls..
  17. I like to be kicked in the Ballz, I like it rough though, so ima say giving birth.
  18. That belt thing must've been too faint for men. Men can handle a lot of pain too lol.