I'm neither female nor a mother...but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that childbirth hurts a tad bit more.
The only reason women go through that pain is to have the precious gift of a baby. If you men had a years supply of beer given to you for a kick in the balls you might consider it
The real pain is after the child is born taking all my damn Kaw funds so a good kick in the nuts will save you money in the end
Beer* Drugs of choice* your choice of sexual favours* whatever would make that little boot in the bollocks worthwhile
Childbirth. Men when kicked only hurt for maybe 30 mins. Most women in childbirth are in labor over 24 hrs.
If you don't do this, you are either a sadist, a masochist, the one kicking, or blind. No other options.
There have been several cases where men have been kicked in the testicles so hard that they rupture. That pain will last several hours, I am sure if it
Actually the equivolency of giving birth for males is passing a kidney stone. Passig a stone can last longer than child labor. My wifes had two kids, ive had like 10 kidney stones. Doctors we have argued with at length agree kidney stones hurt just as bad if not more than chikdbirth. Kidney stones also hurt more for males than females
1. The cervix and female genitalia are designed purely for child-rearing, balls are NOT designed to take large impacts. 2. You get a baby out of childbirth, men don't get anything out of being kicked there. 3. Men have a higher pain threshold and tolerance than women, do it's not really a fair test anyway. 4. Most of the time there are options for women to have some sort of pain relief, be it gas an air, or that big massive needle in the back. I've had this argument many times with my wife (we have 3 children) and she's conceded every time.
I have heard it said from people in the medical field the closest a man can come to experiencing the pain of labor is passing a kidney stone.
I have never known a man to be in pain from a kick to the balls for 37 straight hours, but I personally suffered through an extremely painful childbirth for that amount of time. So perhaps I am biased, but I say childbirth is worse.