What Hurts More: Childbirth Or Getting Kicked In The Balls?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. Then in that sense, men have had to have stitches to repair their balls, in some cases the balls are so far damaged it's not repairable and surgical implements are used to allow men to pee* again.

    Child birth is natural process

    Kicking in balls is intended to cause damage
  2. What if the child you gave birth to kicks someone in the balls?
  3. Women's body's were made to be able to have kids. Men weren't made to be able to Urinate big things.
  4. I think this is a question of intensity and not duration.
  5. Getting kicked in the balls
  6. Kicked in the balls
  7. If you think about it though women die from childbirth
  8. When my wife gave birth I was sat beside her throughout and I could sense her pain.
    I once stood 10ft away from a guy who got toe punted in the nuts and I doubled up for him lol

    you do the math
  9. I would say getting your spine removed by scorpion from mortal combat after he says get over here hurts more

    Our topics becomes more stupid everyday..
  10. Definitely getting kicked in the balls.
  11. Support
  12. I ain't ready 10 pages in to see if it's been mentioned.

    But our bodies release a hormone to make us forget the pain of child birth so it doesn't kill us to think about it.
  13. Being kicked in certainly more painful however it lasts less than pregnancy which is ongoing pain
  14. To say, getting kicked in the nuts, then experiencing child birth.

    What my theory is this and what I went through with my ex gf, they go under major tough time within 9 months, arches and pains, constant sickness, and always being tired, or hungry all the time, and when the date comes to give birth, they go under several days in labour, what I have seen then what I have experienced, giving child birth is a lot more painful then getting kicked in the nuts.
  15. This sums it up
  16. funny you say this. they actually did a study that getting kicked is worse but through time women hurt more since they can be in labor over 20 hrs or so
  17. I'd say childbirth is out of those choices but i would say a man passing through kidney stones kind of equals the same pain as childbirth...
    Well thats my opinion anyway.
  18. Devouring Answer: I think getting kicked in the balls hurt more than giving birth because women's body was meant for giving birth but guys body wasn't meant to be kicked in the wrong area. Also guys don't want to be kicked in the balls but women's always wants to have a baby.[/quote]

    Have you ever given birth to a child