What Hurts More: Childbirth Or Getting Kicked In The Balls?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. Nice troll thread.
  2. My wife just had our child and I can easily say that it looks, sounds and I'm sure feels way worse than being kicked down below. I'm hands down saying childbirth. I have been kicked in the nether regions on a few occasions and while painful it was gone in a relatively short amount of time, whereas days later and my wife will still curl up in pain from childbirth.
  3. Getting kicked in the nuts most definitely hurts more.
  4. I would like to point out that as a child (around 11) I was playing baseball. This was the first day in about 2 years I forgot my cup. Lucky me, pitcher throws the ball, batter hits it right on my nuts. I was in the hospital for 2 and a half weeks with pain killer medicine (still in severe pain). My nuts were sore for at least a month. Last time I checked, a female doesn't go through that while giving birth.
  5. I'll update thread soon.
  6. A mans area was not made to be kicked. A woman's area was made for childbirth among other things. So I'm going to say get kicked in a mans area. Women also take medicine for the pain. Last I checked, men don't take medicine before they get kicked "in the area"
  7. Loool
  8. Depends how hard your being hit lol
  9. Despite me not having an actual opinion on this thread, I have to pipe in.

    Its VERY possible, and even more common for a huge blow to the balls to kill a man than a woman dying from childbirth. Generally, the body will release all its air, including the 10% od your lungs that never fully exhale (despite your efforts to push it all out) and youll go blue and die from suffocation and pain. No drugs to help you. Just pain.
  11. Riperino in pepperinos

    That's one light nut job
  12. Pretty sure Vsauce or someone talked about this, verdict was kicked in the balls. And wasn't just about opinion, some scientists have nothing better to do than measure pain receptors or some ****, don't know how they figured it out.
  13. How is this still open. The answer is and always will be kicked in the balls. The actual pain of event is higher. Effects can last as long as childbirth or longer. Possibly cause a blood clot that travels around then kills you. Anything childbirth can do kicked in the balls can do it better.
  14. When I hurt my Crown Jewels why do they feel like there up in my neck
  15. If a guy gets sterile from a nut kick there is no child birth  ima have to say nut kick is the most damaging and painful 
  16. Let it die
  17. /thread
  18. If I'm not mistaken this isn't his first thread on the same topic lol