I have to completely disagree with OP. The problem with KAW isn't that people got an opt out of the pvp, the problem is that people believe everyone else should play the game THEIR way. Whether the game title has the word "war" in it or not is irrelevant. It's a title. The game play allows for a variety of playing preferences. What gives you the right to demand people play it your way? Personally, I enjoyed the pvp event. It was my first real experience with it and I liked the new tactical and strategic aspects. But it was silly that players 3-5x my size could successfully drain of 1/2 my shard collection in the span of a couple of hours, but I had no chance to successfully return fire. I tried. I think I got through maybe 3 times and got no shards. Out of maybe 25-30 total attempts. I was just burning my atk and spy pots pointlessly. My point, that's not "war" either. It's just beating up little people. Well, may be that is war in real life, but it doesn't seem a viable way to keep a player base long term. Anyone can opt out of eb events, simply don't hit an eb during the event. "BUT I want my easy eb gold too!" Well you can't have it both ways. My only thought on opt out would be that you shouldn't be able to opt out once you engage in pvp during the event time. So as others have stated an opt in would be best. What do you have to fear? You pvpers would be hitting others who love the style of play that you do. But I suspect the real issue here is that many pvpers want those easy targets that can't fight back same as eb players want their fairy gold. As for me, if I have the time I'll do future pvp events. Recently did a short osw and it was very fun, though it stunted my growth.
Correct me if I am wrong but were your clan not involve in stripping someone for hitting your members during this event?
You can also correct me if I am wrong but you alliance kept track of people who hit them during this event to strip. DE_BREEZY_DE or name similar was strip 8.5 T for by two alliance yours and Apoc I believe.
I think the opt out button was perfectly fair given the time that the event took place... Most people celebrate thanksgiving and have family over during that week, unfair to those that can't be on and pinned all day, not to mention if an ally gets hired and your not on, your basically gonna wake up stripped lol
Again I stress the point Kingdoms at War could mean multiple things. You are using one interpretation of only PvP.
You are incorrect. Maybe get your facts straight before running to forums with lies. We are and have been stripping the EB clan resilience. This has been going on since before the pvp event. Though many of them opted out this is just a coincidence.
Completely agree. It's not fair that EB professionals should be allowed to make super EB clans that others cannot join so they can own the EB events while the rest of us are left out in the cold. It's isn't fair that EB players dictate who gets to score well while the rest of us make do with what we can find in other clans. And now EB players get to have a hand in saying who we fight through an opt out button in a non-pve event too. And players who spoke out about this these EB fairies cried to devs and got them banned. Totally agree it's outrageous. We should be allowed to play the game the way we want. Not have our first and only event nerfed, shortened, and avoided. Pvp players are a part of this game. Stop trying to dictate how we play you pve bullies.
Wait a minute...... This is the most hypocritical statement I have ever read. He is arguing that they create "super EB clans" and "own EB events". What is EE???? Besides for indi wars, that is exactly what EE is! Creating a clan that will be the best in the "event" (EE war) they participate in. Then he goes onto say "PvE bullies" attempt to dictate what PvP players personally do. No. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have not seen a PvE player complain about war events they weren't forced to participate in. You are not forced to do EBs.Just like others are not forced to war or EE. But by the devs giving every single player shards, they forced those players to participate to a certain degree. Not everything was fair on either PvP players or PvE players partson that event. But to sit there and say they were dictating what you do, is unreasonable and hypocritical.
Yes ️kaw is spanking apherium. Hats where the $$$ comes from and it will always be the center of the Devs universe
The OP is a PVP poser. All these alleged "warriors" crying over not getting enough goodies for doing PVP makes me wanna vomit. You can pvp whenever u want. Don't need some damn promo to do it. PVP old school for a change.
IMO I would relate this game more to titanfall than cod, with enemy players you are MEANT to fight, (pilots/titans) but with many many other things you can fight to get a bit of enjoyment out of - ebs. (Grunts/spectres) This game has always catered to different playstyles, that of the full warrer and the more passive community. When there weren't ebs, there were osw, but noone ever complained about them. I agree that there are *those* players, who if you hit once will curl up in a ball and cry, but they always seemed to me like a minority. Far more players will match hits, or fight even more viciously back, so I believe whatever you want you can find enemies to sate your desires.
EE is not considered a pvp event by pretty much anyone any more. It is exploited and under attended to the point of rediculousness. Comparing several week EB events to 1 hour $1 pay to play EE is bull. And mass crying to the developers cause you were being hit in a war game resulting in the shortening and nerfing of an actual pvp event only broadened the rift between kingdoms at warriors and kingdoms at EB fairies. EB were meant to be an addition to a war game. Something aviary to help supplement and then replace pwars. Not to become the only thing you are allowed to do. Opting out and crying about the chief interaction and means of retribution in this game is cowardly. Complaining to the point the developers banned pvp players for just speaking their mind is another example of why this game is on such a decline. Sad.
You say EE isn't PvP but that event was? I totally disagree. PvP is when people actually hit each other. That event was nothing but people pinning themselves on easy targets not to lose shards. And you complain about the event being shortened, but so many people who even enjoyed the event would agree that another week straight of that chaos would've been unreasonable. No I'm not saying PvP events are completely stupid, in fact I believe there should be more, but better ran ones. And don't bother hitting me for stating my opinion. I'm not going to give you any attention.