Then why play this game? WAR is the fun part, most haven't had that part. I do not need to look at history, i have it all in my files
I doubt if the majority play this game for EE. The state of clan wars is the way it is- purely because of matchups and nothing else. Just ask yourself this question- how many budding ee warriors will a 500 mcs, 800 mcs even a 1200mcs stat difference kill. Nothing demoralizes like a bad whooping
Many players are sick of the war system, me personally, i have little hope in what the next update will be. I cost money to play in the wars, why?? it should be optional, if you dont xstal you will find that you will no longer be warring and possiblly stripped. I have just actually returned from being inactive for about 8 weeks, i got bored of the game and how much players get treated. I want plunder to fight the bigs, i will need to keep playing for the next few years to even compete, if devs dont bring out more lands. The gap between players needs to be closed and wars need fixing. Same old story, for my entire kawear.
Hey to your 5+ year clan ppl......those were good days. i am trying to help bring it back.