what happens after Season 5?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by THE_VIXIN, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. You do realize this is what we who were still warring had been doing prior to season 5. However, even though we created fair rosters to match, one would nm and the other match the 1 bil cs smaller clan instead of the clan 20 m cs different.
  3. Soon as I know that I will respond again.
  4. @Sylv-

    "You do realize this is what we who were still warring had been doing prior to season 5. However, even though we created fair rosters to match, one would nm and the other match the 1 bil cs smaller clan instead of the clan 20 m cs different."

    I do realize/ you and D1 and sometimes Psy was doing that. I do realize 3 clans were warring before season 5 started, and many before. You will NM or have unfair matches when 3 clans are warring. I also realize MANY clans quit warring from 'stacked ' rosters- let's not go there.

    We don't need to go back in history. My post was for a fresh start or a hope at a good clan war week.

    You are a key player in this Sylv, Are you ready to play fair? 
  5. Lol would you like us all to drop to your size to " play fair". Don't try and twist things here. If people want to play fair I personally offered to match all builds and cs with any clan willing to accept my challenge/ offer. Doesn't get any fairer then that.
  6. Where do u see i trust or distrust the Devs?
    I don't believe the majority of warriors will pull together in one direction. IWar supporters can sit back n not care. They have no time or effort invested in organizing wars n can enter at will.
    There are simply not enough war clans that will combine efforts n take over n make Primal Wars more fun n fair. The larger problem is too many ppl r not committed to war n what builds r generally acceptable for war. They want their cake n eat it too. Then there r all those who claim IWar is fair as an excuse that clan wars r not.

    IWar allows anyone to chase EE n go back to eb's n events. I don't see IWar as anything other than a tool for eb's.
  7. I've gone from an optimist n organizer to an indifferent player. My last thread was my last attempt. Its go with the flow now n wait for a year to war if I'm still around now.

    Too much time has passed n war has been afterthought n not been revised to keep up.
  8. Promos & Indi Wars

    Was Op Question Rhetorical?
  9. 'My size'?  Listen, I'm going to refrain from disproving the comment about you matching in builds/CS. This thread isn't about you or what you've offered to do.

    100% I saw you ask and request that in WC few weeks before crap season - when 3/4 clans were warring as most quit. You did step up Sylv- BUT TOO late. It's not a thread to insult. Past is the past. You won't get a fair Match with 3 clans warring. You were fair! 5 weeks late 

    Any of you season 1-4 people want your stats or roster combo, let me know. I likely have it 

    @Hawk- 'was a result of low effort from ATA'= Blame Devs.' Quote earlier. And you can check our chat history to know who I am, then you'll get it more  agree with everything you say- Devs don't seem to care. Not enough war clans! Why waste time when facing 'stacked clan'....iwars aren't the answer. We are. But until who drops- won't move much further I'm afraid.

    People have given up- that's why I've posted. You are close to giving up. I've been playing 5 years and 7 months- almost since start. Before system wars, before EBs...the game evolves.

    I'm trying to save what I can.
  10. OK well said, I will have to observe how the community reacts after the season. Then I can better see how I may best help.
  11. @Shady- No, wasn't rhetorical. I wasn't aware a war schedule was posted prior to my post. Promos are a given.

    Iwars are a given.

    I'm trying to be part of the solution. I'm trying to save another 3 year player not quitting....I'm trying to keep a game I like positive.
  12. If you want to discuss further follow back and pm me. I'm open to listen.
  13. How the community reacts?

    Syl you know better than that, Devs pocket book lined with WarChest proceeds from Indi Wars Season 5. Money Talks in KAW

    My prediction: they placate to the community by returning to a mix of clan / Indi wars for a few weeks, maybe a month. Then they dump Round Wars for lack of participation and replace with Indi Wars. After a few months of low primal clan wars, they will replace with primal Indi wars; thus the elimination of all clan wars under the guise of "participation"

    And don't worry, Devs aren't reading this, so my prediction only becomes more valid as they see the money generated from an Indi war format over clan based wars.

    End Result:

    Indi - Teir Build Rosters
    Indi - Primal Build Rosters
    Indi - Mixed Build Rosters
  14. I hope that isn't the case.:/ I meant us the people though by community. Idk I'm always giving the benefit of the doubt.
  15. I Respect ur plea Ops

    The problem as i see it is the majority do not have the answers nor should be taken seriously. The longtime War Vets n WC's know more of whats needed n its not a popularity vote as the devs did with S5.

    I've suggested in the past that a War Advisory council be created from the best of the best.
    They along with ATA work together eg as TITAN GOD tried to do at one time.

    There is absolutely no reason ATA cannot trial new war ideas unless money is king.
  16. I gave them the benefit of the doubt for years. But at the end of the day, the have a business to run...
  17. @Shady-

    They dumped round wars. Iwars and primals only(clan events- already posted)

    You are 100% right- if participation in primal wars(only clan based wars available) doesn't improve- then they'll end too.

    Devs are not reading this- it wasn't a thread intended for them to read.

    It is a thread from a 5 year player, that has been quiet for years. That is now seeing my long term friends leave the game because it's no longer fun. I'm seeing great warriors quit- heck- check my wall posts- many are dead accounts.

    When the people I care about start to leave- it's a problem, NO CLAN has a player life of 4.5 years. Most of us were together before EE wars existed. Most of us are losing good game friends.

    I want it to be better. I'm prepared to help it get better.

    @Hawk and All- LET'S START A WAR ADVISORY! Lol...stop giving Devs the decision power on this game! Yes- profit is important- that's coming from events.

    I'm prepared to try to make it better. Are you?
  18. I believe fixing max cs and min cs will do the job..Shouldnt be bother about stacking..at least in primals as pure hybrids roster can beat ps1 stacked roster and vice versa....it all depends upon wc and his capabilities of utilising their warriors...
  19. Over 5 1/2 years here also, and seen many leave but never at this rate. I am in for advisory.
  20. @Mav Ty for input.

    Devs won't implement max/min CS. It's not just CS- it's build and mechanics as well.

    You can have a perfectly balanced CS roster- but when you take advantage of build mechanic gaps, that's a problem to me.

    If you're referring to Matched CS wars- pointless when 15 of them are Hansels - but CS matches  AKA-pre-season 5.

    It's up to us.

    EVERY build deserves to war- if built for war.