What happened to ZAFT?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Obelisk420, Jul 1, 2015.

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  1. I love all my haters 

    Especially the ones at the bottom of the food chain like ball grab robot
  2. From my understanding there was a huge strip (not mentioning any names) and them red/cella and Silph got out of dodge so to say (dodge in this instance being zaft) and zaft then started to fall. I think the osw is still going on however I think it is just the last few remaining I don't think zaft will ever be the force it once was. But I do not know as people do not speak openly on such things so much is speculation and assumption. But who knows what the future shall bring could it all be a ploy ? Could the big 3 be planning a come back are being zaft back from the ashes like a phenix ? Or did they decide to hell with it too many big people getting stripped ? Who can tell
  3. You forgot about Donno doing a Bruce Jenner.
  5. They're still getting Harbed.
  6. Badrobot a 2 year old hansel in an osw clan with 650 steals 
  7. And played out gifs.
  8. ZAFT started falling before the OSW...when Laoda left
  9. Don't give me that look you old bag XD I got a lol an a near barf experience. :D an I thought I had a sick since an or sense of humor.
  10. DirtyLarry, asks for inc. Gets butt hurt.
  11. Huh?! :lol:

    I get all kinds of inc for years. Wtf are you talking about? How I just hit to you? :lol:
  12.  crappy atk build is crappy
    Lol look at this dudes banner hog high council that's like saying he's gold medalists at the special Olympics
  13. Larry 14/16 stl np

    650 +14 stls thanks Larry :)
  14. That is just absolutely Beautiful. I will be taking this and putting it to good use. hahaha
  15. Ball grab robot, do you think you're the first person to fail a bunch of scouts on me?
  16. I haven't failed a single scout on you. 2 steals thats it.
  17. Oh wheely Wobot

    You know how to steal?
  18. Better than your Bronze Medal in the special Olympics.
  19. Theres a steal button?

    Must be behind the repeat action button.
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