What happened to our devs?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SoH______R-E-A-P-E-R______SoH, May 18, 2016.

  1. We need to have a developper that actually interacts with us. By this, I mean talking like a player, sending his opinion no matter what the hell the thread is about, posting his support on a clan thread. Debate, not saying he should always win but debating about some subjects. Overall, like we do.

    Grant, having the closedt position, is just picking specifics threads. It would be awesone if the dream role could also disagree with the devs ideas.... Then get fired lol
  2. Clearly you care enough to respond, and I know you mother cares, so that means your statement is not factual. Thanks mate ;)
  3. Awe my feelings are hurt oh no what am I going to do
  4. You should probably continue on with your sad existence in this game. You're doing a great job at sucking.

    I better put some respek on that for your mother.
  5. Great ideas. If devs could find some time do this, it would be great. Not necessarily every day but a few times a week.

    Perhaps devs could open threads at allocated times where players can ask whatever game related questions they like. With in reason, of course.
  6. Grant,

    Appreciate the interaction on this thread. Brought a lot to light between the apes and the player base.

    Please for the love of our dear lord Spragga, do this more often.

    Developer accounts were created with the intention of interaction with the community, but that has hardly changed. This is probably the most any developer has said on a player made thread in a few months.

    I understand you guys have events in the office (such as your game week, or the GC thing you guys have going on right now) but the 1-2 weeks of in office events don't make up for the developer accounts that were made over a month ago (or somewhere close to that timeframe).

    This kind of interaction honestly brings joy to myself, and to those that I know in game, brings joy to them as well. Seeing developers chat with the player base is awesome.

    I understand you guys don't always have time to do this, but I would encourage you, being the community manager you are, to urge your teams to be a little more chatty. They weren't given a red username for nothing, and they aren't using them at all.

    Just search their usernames on forums. They've literally said nothing.
  7. Welcome to the multiple alts era of kaw. Our minds were being lured to think that they're not less than 2 person handling those ATA_???? new persona.
  8. Well said, Seth.
  9. One big thread full of random discussions aimed at developers would get out of hand and immensely off-topic with everyone trying to get their own viewpoint to the top. As for updates on what we're working on, we've tried this in the past with roadmaps, and it's always come to be an overall negative with the community. Yes, it gets people excited, but when timelines can and do change it actually gets people more upset. That doesn't mean we aren't working on things though, and we do try to share them once we've got everything finalized and have a definitive date for us to implement said changes.

    A lot of my job is to filter down ideas, look for recurring topics in the community, and find things to forward to the development team. If I sent every single opinion, none of them would ever be seen by the developers. But, when I see things the community as a whole is passionate, and that I believe may be possible for the team to use now, or sometime in the future I send them along. Also, there are times when the developers and I may not see eye to eye on things, that I do fight for you all. The team is pretty great though, and usually we all are in agreement in the end.

    Definitely agree I'd love to see the others more active here. I'm going to continue to try to get them to post more often, but at least for the time being it will be supplemental to their daily duties. So, if you do see them around over the next few days, try not to bite and make them enjoy visiting. (Even right now I'm lurking and posting outside of office hours because despite what a few players may claim, we do care about you guys!)
  10. ...we luv u too Grant

    You're way cooler then Miles or Bruce

  11. :O Bruce will rek u.
  12. ...what's up with that face lickin'? You down?
    forget that other clown 
  13. ...u r a girl right? lol
  14. Pshhhhh, Bruce isn't scary. He's just a hipster :p
  15. If this is true, why have we been seeing the same copy and pasted events for months on end now?

    This is a constant recurring complaint l/topic on all of the event threads yet nothing is been done to address it. There's never any answer on it at all.

    So now that you're here Grant. Why are we constantly seeing the same events over and over? Is there ever going to be something different? They're obviously here to stay so why is there no variety?

    Given how events have become a big part of the game now, I'd have thought this would be a recurring problem you'd pass along.

    Remember: variety is the spice of life :grin:

    Thanks again for the responses btw, just what a lot of us having been looking for for a long time now.
  16. Yes, events are similar, but if you look at most other games out there that's not an exclusive thing just to Kingdoms at War. The current format for events has been working quite well, but that doesn't mean we haven't tried to vary things up in the past with things such as Team Battles, War Rewards, and even PvP weekends. Those may sound like small changes to events, but they're actually quite big in terms of developer support, team testing, and balancing of rewards/progression in events.

    It doesn't mean there won't be different types of events in the future, but rather that when changes come, they'll for the most part be smaller tweaks so we can focus on other areas as well.
  17. I don't really care what other games are doing...I'm interested in KaW. Though if you're going to make comparisons to other games, why would you want to be doing the same things they are? If it's the same across different games, people aren't going to be motivated to change games when it's the same as the last one they left behind.

    You've added war rewards and PvP blitzes. Great. But that's no longer new. All events are now the same. War parh. Eb path. PvP blitzes on the weekend. That's how it's been for months and it's boring.

    A few months back you had the team rewards and the aqua and inferno events which was a nice change. We need more variety in events. The current state of events is boring because you're not changing anything.

    Why not have different types of PvP events? Or clan events? How about chance for PvP blitzes during the week? Or short sharp PvP rounds that last for a few hours each. There's heaps of ideas in forums that can add variety to events. Something that encourages clans to stick together rather than individual rewards would be great.

    It's quite boring at the moment. We need variety.
  18. Grant, Did you think about an major update that could add new feature, fixes, etc. in only 1 update?
  19. I never said all complaints were bad as I myself complain occasionally as do other helpful players. It's not about the complaints but in the manner and way people make them. I support any player who has a genuine complaint with actual feedback as opposed to "I DISLIKE THIS FEATURE FIX IT" which is actually counter productive as they don't know what's wrong and if they try to fix it they might change what you like and leave the issue as it is.

    I still stand by my comment stating we do have an ungrateful community in comparison to other games however we also have a very passionate community too and if people actually used this passion to better the game then imagine how better this community could become.
  20. I certainly agree that criticism and complaints could be presented more constructively than they are at times. But again, players get fed up of answering constructively and getting no response in return. Generally I try to respond helpfully but it has gotten to a point where the devs aren't responding at all - no matter how well put the response is.

    The community isn't as ungrateful as you seem to think. Wade through the comments and you'll find a lot of players are just over the way the devs act. They're over the lack of responses. They're over the boring monotonous events. They're over no new content. Don't confuse frustration and disappointment with being ungrateful. I have been rather negative towards the devs lately, as have others, but that doesn't make us ungrateful. In fact, I'm grateful the game is still going after 6 years. I'm grateful for the small things the devs do in fact do. But it's what they don't do where they fall short.

    Plenty of people use their passion to better the game. It gets us nowhere if it falls on deaf ears. There is a rather negative atmosphere in the game as of of late but I'm not going to blame the players for it all and call them ungrateful. The devs have just as big a role to play, if not a bigger one, in it. They're responsible for a lot of the negativity that goes on. Some simple interaction would diffuse that greatly just as it has on this thread.

    I don't really want to point fingers but both the devs and players are responsible. Players have been doing their bit to get ideas out there and to try to help other players and to respond constructively. But that's just about all we can do. Now it's up to the devs to respond and to think about implementing, adjusting, adapting etc. some suggestions.