What happened to our devs?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SoH______R-E-A-P-E-R______SoH, May 18, 2016.

  1. You made me cry bacon flavored tears, bud. Greasy bacon tears

    In any event, this has gotten nasty quick for such an innocent question.

    Remember that apes are people too - and as such are protected by ad hominem like anyone else - leaving the thread subject to lock if it continues.
  2. Well said rug muncher
  3. Jeebs!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Wow. Just wow.

    You know, a little courtesy goes a long way.

    Not saying you have to be all sunshine and happiness, but when the only reaction you get from certain people tends to be extremely hostile, it's not something you really will continue to do.

    For example, when we're munching on a known rug or soliciting some rug to munch, hearing actual constructive feedback rather than just "well said rug muncher", is much more preferred, and we'll actually do our best to join in those kinds of munchings where possible.
  5. Im surprised this wasn't locked for effort…
  6. I believe the point Ruggy was trying to make was that there's a lack of communication between the players giving constructive feedback and the developers, not that they're being rude in their replies.

    Feedback is falling on wars that aren't listening is Ruggy's point, not that they're rude or demeaning.

  7. Can I lick your face??

  8. They changed names to appear more on a personal image. Rather than a character in a game. Seems clever business.

    Kaw has faults like anything organic that's naturally evolving. If you don't like kaw then there's a delete button. However as a game it's fun. But the social aspects of kaw and it's community are the key reason to play. If it was not for some many crazy people behind a screen. The game is what you make it, if your not enjoying it your playing it wrong.

    I always get a polite email from devs always respond to feed back.
  9. It's hard for the devs honestly because our community is overall very ungrateful. People complain about everything and while the devs/support team aren't perfect they still do a great job and are trying to interact on a personal level which a lot don't do.
  10. Hard to fix stuff when everyone just says the devs suck. Give detail!
  11. Most of you are very courteous, and we love being able to jump into conversations where possible. There are a small number of players who may be disruptive, but for the most part that's not reflective of our awesome players.

    As for feedback, it is heard. We've mentioned this before but while we may not respond to everything, we do read all of your suggestions on the forums, and look for ways to implement them. Of course, this has to happen on our own schedule, and where it makes sense with the design goals of our design team. With such a large number of ideas, we can't implement them all but we do try where possible. Note the launch of Clan Roles, Lowland Wars, BFE/BFA Lowland Wars, Crystal Refunds from Wars, Event Reward changes, and more. We also continue to make our own improvements such as to how we handle silences being announced, forum reporting, game content, events, and more.

    Not really meant to be a cheap shot, but rather that kindness goes a long way. I get that people can be upset at times and that's fine. When it happens hopefully we can work together towards a solution. However, keeping things constructive is what's important.

    As for getting other devs more active, I'll continue to push for it. Since the launch of the new forum personas a lot has actually been going on and the teams have been pretty busy.

    We definitely do have faults. We're all humans after all. While we try our best to please everyone we know that's not entirely possible, but we do what we can to ensure the best experience for all of our players.

    Detail is definitely important. At the same time one should know that changes (if and when they happen) aren't instant. The development team is alway busy with a number of different tasks so new changes tend to take longer than players expect.
  12. Any new stuff coming up ? I have been playing other games which are introducing really cool new features in the actual gameplay, fixing all sorts of issues, balancing the gameplay, and most importantly having a roadmap and letting players know of what is to come next.

    I dont feel kaw is dead just yet..It still makes good money from what i feel..So u should maybe put in more new minds on the development team and come up with new ideas and features

    Btw we could really use better graphics and UI.
    Its hard to introduce new people to kaw because of unappealing graphics.
  13. You talk about lowland bfe BFA like everyone wants that crap reality is it was probably some dumb leaderboard player that suggested that and you have to listen to them.

    And clan roles were fine as they were.
  14. Again, this is a case where it's not possible to please everyone.

    People play the game in different ways and that means people will want different things. We saw a large number of players over an extended period of time asking for more focus on clans, including roles, abilities, and retention systems. As for BFE/BFA Lowland Wars, when we first launched Lowland Wars, a large number of warriors wanted their equipment and allies to have some form of benefit. To be able to grow, and have that growth reflected in battle. This method of BFA/BFE Lowland Wars allows that, but without overpowering any single player in the matchup state.
  15. But now people won't grow it will be guild Hansel's with massive BFA all over again.
  16. Don't play innocent, you know some of us are confrontational because of the fact that you allow people to "bend the rules" because they contribute x amount to ATAs revenue.. This is the number one reason why there's "so much hostility" towards the team..

    This is nothing new.. Everything else is a secondary concern.. Don't delete my comment Grant and tell us why it's okay for these people to take advantage, and why should we be mostly sunshine and lollipops when the game is crooked?

    Seriously what's the deal?
  17. I've had this thing where I can't change my banner for ages. You give us a banner from each event but I can only use the one I have on now.
    I would like you to fix it please.
  18. *licks Daphnias Bacon Tears* *haz heart attack*

  19. Grant just worry about pleasuring (I mean pleasing me) ...forget the rest of these ungrateful clowns

    ...me luvs u long long time 
  20. The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are there for a reason. When we catch users violating them we take the appropriate action in relation to the type of abuse. Should you ever have evidence of a player violating the ToU, or otherwise abusing the game in a prohibited way it should be reported to the support team so they can evaluate and take the appropriate action to resolve the situation.

    I'd suggest sending an email in to support if you haven't with specific details of this including what error you see (screenshot if possible), and what device you're trying to do this from. I know there's a known bug on Kongregate where this can happen, but that should be it.