What gets more gold??(Hansel or Attk)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sancho-The-Barbarian, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Don't forget you have to use pots to hit Haunting as a Hansel (unless you have a BFA of around 34mil, including equip items) so after subtracting the price of pots an attack build will make more on EB.
  2. I can hit without pots or mith
  3. Hitman, how so? When I was a Hansel at your strength I had to use pots. Explain please.

    Hybrid I think. I look at my eb history and compare to my clan members who are hansels. I find to make more.
  4. I don't need pots for haunting.
  5. You also have high enough bonuses
  6. Sniper, assuming your equipment boosts helps?
  7. When I converted to hybrid hansel I lost a few million per unload. Hybrids make more anyway because hansel has to use pitons for nearly everything -_-
  8. Wen i converted from hybrid i lost around 100m an unload
  9. You mean Hansel or Gretel? 
  10. Hansel. Wheni started I was goon to be a attack build right away. but I'm playing it smart. I'm turning into a hansel till I have enough for alot of buildings and land. Then I will change into back into Attack build.. It's gonna be quicker
  11. /\ I make. 19 ;)
  12. For all players saying you have to use pots, you have been misinformed.

    Equipment and ally bonuses combined need to be over 34.6m
    Then you can hit haunting without pots or mith

    Making hansel build pure profit.
  13. hansel i have 47 guilds and i do always much more gold in eb than my main and he is a nearly hlbc hitter.
  14. I think it totally depends on how actv u r if u r active u can earn much gold from any build :D. But i vote for hybrid ;)