what freaks you out on hallween

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by angel8690, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. It's called an auto-correct error. :roll:
  2. Candy Corn. That stuff caused me to go into anaphylactic shock once. Haven't touched it since.
  3. The fact that people celebrate it
  4. Is it bad I laughed at the candy corn thing?
  5. No, heh. I laugh at it also, but it still freaks me out when somebody offers candy corn. It's like somebody is trying to hand me a tarantula or something.
  6. The only thing that freaks me out on Halloween, or anytime at all, is Chuck Norris.
  7. People dressing up as Disney Princesses...

    They give me nightmares
  8. Also, I'm terrified of A Dentist or someone who things they're smart giving out floss and/or a note saying "Candy gives you diabetes." instead of candy.

    The nerve...
  9. Lol I get it Dragonite. Disney doesn't like dragons or their villains.
  10. Worse thing that freaks me out on halloween is when you're girlfriend is x2 uglyer. :p
  11. That nobody give out just packets of pure sugar, its just as healthy as anything else that they would give you and cheeper too and it tastes better too. Ok, thats not so much what freaks me out, it's more what is most disappointing and saddening about halloween to me.
  12. Those porcelain dolls are weird. My grandma collected em and her spare room housed about 20 of em. When I used to spend the weekend as a kid they creeped me right out lol.
    Just staring @ me with those dead eyes, awkward facial expressions and little outfits. I hated them still kinda do tbh
  13. For some reason every year kids come and try to break in by slamming my door
  14. I'm afraid of my costume. It's very realistic and I intend on scaring many men women and children this year
  15. What freaks me out is those guys who go all out to fuckn scare the crap outta ppl last year a guy made a ghillie suit and popped out of nowhere with a shotgun o.o
  16. But in all seriousness zombies scare the **** out of me thanks to walking dead watch a couple episodes at not good idea..
  17. Actually it's called Samhain (Sah Win) Halloween is an adapted name from the Gaelic word.
    It's considered the years end, and a special night. Loved ones whom past that year are guided by a row of gourds with candles to a peaceful rest. The gourds are now Jack o lanterns. Lined on each side of the path family in costumes so the dead will recognize them and linger ushered the dead to the tree of life.
    What's scary is it's become commercialized and the true meaning of tonight lost for most.
  18. I'm scared you can't spell halloween right! XD
  19. 1) People who give out carrots
    2) people who eat the carrots and throw out most of the candy
  20. The mere possibility of fangs torture being extended even 1 day to make up for unkept dev promises freaks me out.

    Stop the dissappointment...end fangs now.