Played it and loved it a lot... Some things need to be improved... 1) interface 2) Personal message ( same like you! Couldn't find the follow button ) 3) menu for shortcuts...( like in kaw ) 4) more drops of 3+ star blobs... Waiting for it to be in the top 5 XD Dying for the rewards XD P.S.: I do not really know the spelling of ignore
It was an interesting concept, i liked it for the first few days, but i quickly got bored of it. I really liked the idea of combining your monsters in order to transform them, but the whole thing is just not my cup of tea.
Smash reminds me of meego. It had a nice idea that was executed poorly. I'm not a fan of the battle style. After what the devs have turned KaW into I'm hesitant to invest too much of my time or money into any of their other products. Smash gets a 1/10 from me because it just isn't fun and I don't trust the direction of ATA when it comes to game management.
I think it's a great game so far. the cool down thing bugs me a bit. I wish they expanded on the current tutorial a bit an explained the Poison/Fire/Ice elements a bit more and the different classes of monsters and the rarity of monsters (Such as platinum and uncommon and so on). But after a few hours I got that all figured out. (Until I unlocked the lab) My only issue is; No sound. I hear nothing.
Played it for a couple hours...don't really any real point to it. I prefer kaw. I don't know, maybe I need to give it some more time...
Smash is a good laugh. It has weaker social aspects compared to kaw so probably lacks the longevity of kaw. Moving an account onto a new device isn't as easy as in kaw either. (this account gets moved every time I upgrade my phone) If you are looking for something to do whilst you regen smash is right up there, or you could try talking with people around you in the real world.
Yea I had to transfer my account on smash and had to email the devs and stuff, but I think they will probably do the same as we do on here and link it to FB or ATA accounts
Yup. I was surprised and confused. I guess they don't have enough server space for the additional characters or something