its a white and golden colour dress washed with blue coloured clothes or simply the bluish tinge is the reflection from something in front of it #Science :mrgreen:
They already proved this is blue and black they do not make a white and gold version of this dress check it out on The Chive
Lol love how Wordwaster blows a blood vessel. How hard life must be when you think you're smarter than everyone else.
This is neat, but remember that light isn't shining on the dress. The picture is taken from the shadowed side of the dress. I don't know crap about what colors make what though. I'm guessing a light pink with a deep purple secondary color. Oh, and I think the dress is light blue and cream/tan. (Light brown? Idk color names.)
Color* No such word in North American English as colour. Even my phone underlines it with red dotted lines, indicating its incorrectednessissismness... niss.
'murican english is the only english that matters. i'm pretty sure the war of 1812 was over the use of that "u".
Where did American English come from? British English. How would the British spell it? Colour. Therefore colour is correct.
american english is heavily influenced by a number of different languages. "send us your poor n tired n stuff" those immigrants were too tired to bother with the superfluous "u"