Val want to share? I'm possibly goin to participate in my first at and want to know what to do for the best payout available... (Summary of all that was said)
Well Fire of the....... Your math is wrong, what you had spent, you got back, isn't it? So the balance is your profit!!!! Hence, if you make profit 36-46, you can buy equipment a in about 6-8 wars. Goodluck
I have made over 150 profit in war (215 total)... More actions More plunder More pots used/burned More mith cast They all help. Some are interrelated.... Like more actions with obviously mean more pots burned, and more plunder.
Use all mith spells will increase if you win all pots and crystals if you win your payout should increase
This is really annoying lmao. Why do people say use more mith? Don't you idiots get it.. Use 40 mith. YOU GET 40 BACK. It just makes it look like you got a bigger payout. But use 14, you'll still get the same profit of mith.
scouts and attacks only, in a 2 hour war I will make between 70-110 mith even after subtracting the 14 I use. I'm talking about mith payout on my guild hansel too btw.
Val you are wrong. Ss me when you have made a net of 150 mith not casting the battle spells please otherwise you're wrong