what are your 3 favourite tv series of all time?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SkinnyMinny, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. The Simpsons
    Criminal Minds
    Prison Break
  2. South Park
    Code Lyoko (except season 5)
    Criminal minds.
  3. how i met your mother

    the walking dead

    dragon ball z was a good show back in the day
  4. Walking dead
    Breaking bad
    Prison break
  5. Last man on earth is a close 4th
  6. Do anime count because I think Kaw_Com will have to change their vote
  7. Person of interest
    Brooklyn 99
    True Detective/ Modern Family, couldn't decide
  8. Idk would anime count? It must meet the following requirements:

    1. Being broadcast over the television
    2. Having more than 1 episode

    Following these simple requirements you've got yourself a TV series!
  9. Criminal minds
    Family guy
  10. Scrubs
    Supernatural (Not Universe tho, that sucked)
    Dr. House
    The Mentalist
    Star Wars: TCW
    Naruto: Shippuuden

    just too many
  11. yep. too many good shows out there
  12. Fringe was good. Felt it was ended a little too prematurely though. They could have continued it on another season or two.

    I was always a fan of the Stargate series. All of them actually.. Was disappointed in how abruptly Stargate U ended, but it is what it is.
  13. I found SGU kinda disappointing as a whole thing, never really watched past the first 10 episodes tho.
  14. Fargo
    Pillars of the Earth
  15. X Files

    Breaking Bad

  16. Daredevil
    Several Animated TV Shows
  17. Person of Interest
  18. Oz
    Breaking bad
    The wire
  19. Game of Thrones

  20. Damn, Oz was so so so good..