Jason from twisted fate is a great clan owner. He is successful because most of his council are all long time friends and they keep the clan running nicely instead of him by himself. Sometimes clans that suddenly get forced into osw , whether win or lose, ends in the forging of super loyal members and so the fight really takes the strength of the clan up a notch.
I have so much fans these days it's really sweet.phatacus you are pathetic and so are you the realist. I buyed a clan on XX-ubique-XX my alt.you buy the nobility then you create it .TheRealist just wants my undying attention to keep talking to him .How sad .
And phartacus you are wasting your time on me ill carry on speaking and writing how I always do.if you want go lecture people start with shane on my wall shane the creep .
My 5 cents on this topic: There are a few basic things you need to have/be/do as a good clan owner: First of all you need time. And lots of it. Don't kid yourself, even with lots of great admins, being owner is time consumingbut it is also rewarding You need good active admins to help you out handling the clan or you will get stressed pretty quick. Communication with your admins is a must. Clan need to be active 24/7. You need an active cc, if you don't have that people will quickly get bored and leave. Make talkative funny/positive/polite people admins if you can. :mrgreen: Avoid negative people pestering your cc. This will kills the clan mood pretty quick. If you have one of these as admins, demote asap. If you have one as guest then let them finish eb, boot and alert all admins not to let him/her re-enter :lol: :lol: If you are just starting a clan you need a big network of friends to help you unlock eb's, unless you just plan to do tiny eb's. Alternative to a big network you can reward those helping out by throwing HTE in between unlocks. Make sure you can finish the eb you start. Or people vanish real quick unless you already have an established reputation. Also most people want quick eb's. A really good strategy to get quick eb’s is to keep clan filled up with active people. It's better to have 100 active hitters, almost regardless of size, than 50 big ones hitting a few times a day. Be helpfull to your guests and recognize them and make them feel welcome makes people return. Even after you boot them when they sleep If you want to reach clan LB one way to do it, is to slowly raise minimum requirement cs every now and again. While maintaining speed on eb’s with active hitters. Don't be a pushover. Believe in yourself and stand by the rules you make. Remember it is impossible to make everybody happy all the time. Be fair in all regards. Towards your admins as well as your guests. Former co-owner of B2B Former owner of B2BWar Former owner of B2BGold
Ha hi Naffer I'm loving the very proffessional side of you as a clan owner .All that you listed are very true and good & admirable points .But I've seen the other side of you too .The devil side of you in ee wars .Do you remember S1ns of Tia versus the sweet escape ee war ?haha.You joined with pervy sage. S1ns of Tia was my home clan back then .You wc i think with Ducky and you were so bossy ! And said drop roni and that i'd be a leak .But i think i done ok.
Did i upset you in the past? :roll: I have a devil side? :lol: Who would have thought... But no, I've done far too many wars to remember any 1 of them in particular, maybe except very few. But i have not wc'ed that many, mostly just tracked, so I don't know if you are right or not. But true, I can be a bit bossy :mrgreen: I do however think picking the right team is vital to winning ee and I can imagine I might have upset a few along the way. As I said above, you can't please all - atleast not if you want to win.