what about random drops of xtals for ee

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MONSTERCORE, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. I think it funny where they say ya get an extra bonus ya don't take 34£ one I think that's how much cant remember how many ya get example: itwas 164 now it 100 64 bonus or it was 6xtals now 5xtrals 1bonus lol is that a deal no just them false advertising lol
  2. perhaps they'll do random xstal drop from next set of ebs? :D
  3. I concur! This would motivate people to war. Especially those on a tight budget . 
  4. With the going rate of xtals at $1 a piece, I understand your concerns. However, this still allows for xtal farming, if a player wanted to be rude and let everyone else waste xtals, while still providing an opportunity for free xtal reward. Personally, I would like to see a system where the winners receive half of their xtals back. So if you use 2 xtals, if you win, you get 1 back. If you use 1 xtal, you get 0 back, and of course, if you use 0, you get nothing back. This still allows devs to make money on xtals, gives players a 50% refund, as well adds a huge incentive to use xtals and makes winning all the more valuable.

    Also, random xtal drop is closer to 1/15000. Approximate estimation based on very few studies and minimal evidence.
  5. How bout the devs pick a player who always does EE but doesn't have many successful hits, is active, and clan always loses, and gives them 5 xtals. It would be called the participation award! Lol
  6. or MONSTERCORE's idea... SUPPORT

    It makes me lough that people can't read in these forums.
  7. @Delphin. I'm not suggesting free xtals at all I'm suggesting the chance of getting back all or part of the xtals spent during ee wars. And I am suggesting that it should not matter if you are on the winning side or losing. Also that it be random maybe not as bad as the random odds of some of the equip drops  but random non the less
  8. Op doesnt know what he is talking about. But if we extend this idea and say that random xtal drop will happen only if full 4hr war is played out. Thay Would decrease amount of forfeits. That would be nice to see.
  9. Devs can't give away xtals. It's how this game makes money
  10. Support. I think this is a nice idea, it would give even more incentive to war.
    Unfortunately xtals are one of the main ways the debate make there $$$.
  11. Nice idea man
  12. Support.

    Only read first couple pages so not sure if answered but recently I posted forum inquiring quest drops once complete. 0.7% chance of nobs and 0.002% chance of xtal drop.
  13. It's a GREAT IDEA!!!!
  14. Devs like money. xstals cost money . Free xstals = less money for devs. devs don't like less money. Less money for devs less support . Less support means forums will be overrun by tobacco taste test and who's your favorite xyz ... Oops! IT HAS BEGUN!
  15. No support just a bad Idea imo srry
  16. That or how about add a new tier of harder EB's where one may randomly drop crystals like aqua or inferno. Just a thought.