Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, May 26, 2012.

  1. I'm still waiting for the devs to get rid of pwars.
  2. I'm guessing in these tourneys the war tax will be lowered
  3. The war tourney is in the same place as bonuses for achievements. Been waiting over a year for those.
  4. Achievement bonuses :lol:
  5. ... Zachghost?
  6. Think there coming
  7. Time table for Devs

    1 day = 1 week
    1-3 weeks = about 3 months.

    At least in my experience
  8. lol assassin
    That Reminds me of a line in the movie fortress when the warren says something like..."We are going to raise the work hourly rate.... To 72 minutes an hour."
  9. I was just having a man period when I made this
  10. It's amazing the people that are complaining about not having real wars and the fact that ATA is making real wars somewhat impossible.
    These people that are complaining have wins/losses that scream eb player, with the exception of a few such as Blazey.

    Perhaps some of these players whining about real wars should be farmed for a day. Bet they'd change their tune lol

  11. Real wars FTW!!!

    P.s soz for fail bbcode