No such thing in Canada it's called the Charter of Rights 1982. It's a beautiful document is attached to our constitution. The Queen, Governor General , Lieutenant Governors, and Privy Council are the heads of the Judicial. So in 1982 the Queen of England agreed with Pierre Trudeau's and John Cretian Civil rights went into Law. Unlike our sweet neighbours we are still apart of the British Empire. Canada is very much a Federalist country. Our PM can't call his buddies up to help him him run the country. Each member is elected in a riding in parliament and in the privy council and senate. With this evolution came unique rights to citizens and landed Canadians. In the Act we have included the whole world. In our view everyone is equal. Everyone who can read the Act is in it. Thousands of Syrians arrived this week in Toronto and they will love it here. Some housing been built all over the city some near the University to help the professionals get back into their professional life here. These women and men are in for a shock which most will find easy to adapt to. Equality on all grounds. Gender Religion colour are not a measurement. Don't mistake women being treated fairly in a just society "Western Feminism". No victims here.
And magnetism? Is that an ideology? Do magnets work because we believe they will work? How about organism? Can I go to organism church?
Ya got me there There's a couple words such as criticism, etc. where it doesn't apply, but it's generally used for ideologies, and all ideologies use the -ism suffix
Yes Seth, and yes v lol. Slapping an Ism on the end doesn't make it right. Otherwise there would be a maninism movement (credit to whomever said that word in that other thread) The sooner people stop concentrating on whether this person has something dangling, or this person wears her blouse slightly open, the sooner we can get actual equality based on performance, fairness and recognition for people doing good things
It has to be an ideology before you can slap the ism on. And it's called masochism. All I'm really arguing here is that feminism stands for the equality of women's rights rather than for the superiority of women. I stand for women's equality as much as anyone else, so I think that people getting misunderstandings about it only slows down progress.