Western Feminism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. "True" feminists make a small portion of "feminism" as a whole
  2. False.

    You are just judging the entire group by the extremists.

    Like most ignorant people do with Muslims, cops, etc
  3. Like I said, feminists want equality for both genders. Thus, same consequences for both.

  4. I agree.
  5. To those saying that "Work hard to get what you want" doesn't work for women, consider my mother.

    She started in an industry that was not only mainly men, but entirely men in her area at the time, ascended through the ranks on nothing but hard work alone, faced discrimination not because of her gender, but because of her morals and work ethic which she would not cave in, as it would endanger lives, leading to complications with her company on an extremely large level.

    She has now started the only female owned company in the industry. She is not a feminist. She does not expect things handed to her. She knows firsthand there are idiots in the world. If you want something, they will not stop you.

    Feminists do not want equality. They want everybody who does not expect women as complete equals gone. And it is a fact, that men are more suited for some things than women. This isn't sexism. It's a fact.
  6. I don't. Feminists as a whole have painted a very poor picture of themselves. I am a male, but I support equal rights. There is a woman in one of my classes. I respect her very much. She is a feminist, but treats men and women the exact same.

    But I also have a feminist professor. She is simewhat extreme, and obviously favors female subjects.

    So my personal experiences are somewhat varied. So my part of the discussion is based on my experiences.
  7. I told her and she laughed. The got out the sliced cheese.
  8. There is a line between what's real and imaginary.. u really need to start looking for it
  9. Like when women come at you with a knife..... Quickly grab a slice of bread... Their womanly instincts kick in and they'll make you a sammich
  10. I lol'd.
  11. I dunno, my gf REALLY gets on my nerves sometimes
  12. Rough in bed doesn't count as violence...

    Teach that insubordinate woman.
  13. But women are weak...
  14. did she hear u say that? Even a blow up woman would have enough at that point.
  15. Say no to domestic violence.... And yes to domestic beer
  16. Just get another blow up woman at that point I think. It's always easy to pick up airheads anyways...
  17. Martyn that reminds me of Daniel Tosh

    "There's no excuse for domestic violence! That sounds like a challenge... What if your wife had just drowned one of your kids. She's about to drown the other can you run up and pop her then? No... Unfortunately there's no excuse. What if she forgets to TiVo the game on the HD channel? My point is there's a grey area."
  18. Say no to domestic conglomerates and yes to microbrews?
  19. Feminist and wanting equality. I dont care about money, I make enough. I care about fairness in the workplace and in the industry.
  20. Oh Imma make u a sammich Dr....
    Imma make u a nice fresh Rocky Mountain oyster sammich... C'mere just gotta fillet em fresh