Check jax's wall Ali. And I agree. I think it's just been misunderstood. I recommend a re-write of the thread to clarify the actual ideas behind this.
How can anyone say it is classed as bullying to hit anyone on Kaw? Have you forgot this is a WAR game therefore anyone that starts playing should be prepared to be hit by all different sized players so stop moaning and play kaw the way it should be played, I think it's a good idea good luck to all taking part
@ Nat-is-a-nitwit. Looking at your win/loss stats nat. It appears you should take your own advice and play the game the way it should be played as you say. Further more. Playing the game the way it should be, is playing the game the way a person chooses to, not the way some noob like you nat says they should. Nitwit nat
Nitwit nat. The veteran nitwit. Run along and pretend you a farmer. Like your banner announces. Your no farmer. Just a noob
Haha good way to get all your members strip farmed. Everyone farm a clan but if you become their target you won't get help. I like the idea but I wanna see how strong you guys are after this
Oh, you wanna hit me alison? Cool, i'll play ur damn game, win or lose. This is exactly what Ad Mortem did a year ago, except we made it a contest. It's exactly like Pure Evil does, except they hit inexperienced players, not clans. And hell, i will take on ur clan. kotfe sucks, always will.
So don't criticize us because we're a little smaller than them. You know if you criticized Pure Evil's farmfest like that you'd be the first target, so ur not gonna criticize them huh? Yea, exactly.